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Well Harry's being at bootcamp now for the past week, we speak on the phone at least twice a day, but I certainly try to hide how much I miss him because I can tell by his voice how much fun he's having and how excited he is. My best friend's living out his dream and I couldn't be more happy for him. As we live close to each other I've been spending most nights over at Harry's with Anne and Gemma, they're lovely and we spend 99% of the time discussing embarassing Style's moments;) I skyped Harry last night and he sung his bootcamp song for me - Yellow by Coldplay, just seeing him makes me want to cry, but he sung absolutely beautifully, I just wish I could of been in the room with him. He's told me he's made some great friends there, one boy Louis he met in the toilets! Thats the Harry I know and love, gets along with anyone and everyone, with his charming ways and shining personality. He was a bit quiet about the fact he was set up on some date with a girl who's developed a crush on him, I'm not jealous though because he told me he explained to her he had a girlfriend and she respected that. Also the dancing at bootcamp worried him, as Harry certainly has two left feet! He said he was comforted though by a boy named Zayn who couldn't quite catch on with the routine and wanted to give up, but they both managed to pursue. I wish him all the luck for today, I know he'll smash it.

OKAY! So like the craziest thing ever has happened over the past few days! Harry called me after his performance very upset at the fact he thought he messed up and the song didn't do him justice. I thought he was just being modest and didn't want to brag about how amazing he was, so I changed the subject to what was going on back home and tried to keep him from overthinking his performance. Then the next day, I was sat at home waiting for Harry to phone and tell me he'd got through. As soon as my phone started to ring I answered it shouting 'CONGRATUALTIONS', but there was a dull silence and then a sniffle. I knew instantly he was crying. I hoped it was tears of joys and that he was just overwhelmed, but then he broke down. He was crying so much about how dissapointed he was in himself and how all his dreams were over. I then burst into tears and told him to just pack his bags and come home so we could talk, he then told me he hadn't yet told his family, he thought they'd be dissapointed in him. I told him to phone them straight away, they loved him more than anything, they were bursting with pride, we all were, of course they wouldn'd be dissapointed. He promised he would and then said he'd ring me on his way home. About three hours later I heard my phone ringing and saw it was Harry, he'd text before to ask if he could spend the night at mine so I thought he was just phoning to confirm. When I answered there was a lot of screaming, laughter and crying, he certainly wasn't alone! He told me that the judges had decided to put him, Louis from Doncaster, Zayn from Bradford, Liam from Wolverhampton and Niall from Mullingar in a group to go through to the judges houses. I was overwhelmed with happiness, he already knew two of the boys and said instantly clicked with the others. They were all talking to me, as they were taking it in turns to phone their family and friends and tell them the good news. I couldn't help but start crying when the boys told me Harry had begged that I be the first person that knew, they said he must really love me. Before heading to the judges houses all the boys are coming to stay at Harry's, so much to my delight I get to stay with Harry for the next few weeks.

All I can say is I'm so happy for him and for the rest of the boys, I can't wait to see him and meet the others and get to know them better. This is certainly the start of a great adventure...

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