Time To Say Goodbye...

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Chapter 2

Well todays the day I say goodbye to Harry. Now don't get me wrong, I'm so proud that he's living out his dream, I'm just so upset we can't share this journey together. It feels weird knowing for the next week, I won't see Harrys smile, those dimples and feel those hypnotic kisses. Only my best friend Ellie, understands the way I feel, my parents just think I'm over reacting, Harry's family think I'm holding him back and everyone else thinks we'll never last anyway. Ellie understands that since the first day I saw him in year seven, with those sparkling emerald eyes and gorgeous laugh that I was madly, deeply, crazily locked in love with Harry Edward Styles. Although it took him a further three years to ask me out, we had always loved each other. First of all we were sat next to each other in most of our lessons, much to my delight and gave me and Ellie something to talk about at lunch! We'd often talk in year seven, which in year eight progressed to us going out with mutual friends, as we share a lot of interests me and Harry would often sneak off and do our own thing. I never imagined Harry could feel the same way around me, I mean whenever I was with him I had that many butterflies in my stomach I thought I was going to fly away myself! By year nine Harry had certainly matured into making 'comments' about my appearance, I seemed to of developed quite well over the summer and Harry liked to remind me! He confided in me that his dream was to become a singer, much to the disliking of his parents who wanted him to study law and psychology. We were in his room, as friends, just messing around before going to meet Ellie and a few others. Out of no where Harry started to sing 'Isn't She Lovely' he knew it was my favourite song, and the whole time he was singing I just stood in a transe state, stuck to the spot. When he finished he asked me to be his girlfriend and told me he'd loved me since the first day he saw me, he then leaned in and we shared the most amazing first kiss. We then went to meet our friends hand in hand, as I later stayed over at Ellie's texting Harry all night and jumping around in excitement with her.

Me and Harry spent last night reminiscing these memories and then fell asleep in each others arms. I'd helped him pack earlier in the week and we have matching 'good luck' necklaces we wear, to remind us the other is always with us. Mine's a 'H' and Harry's an 'A' for Abbie I haven't taken it off since we got them and never will.

I get along very well with Harry's family so I'll be joining them in the car taking Harry to Manchester where we'll leave him and he'll get the coach to bootcamp in London. I remember when we were in year ten and we visited London on a school trip, it was so funny watching Harry sing and dance around in Trafalgar Square as everyone (especially the girls) watched in awe, but Harry always reassured me he was mine with a cheeky wink.

Saying goodbye to Harry was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, as we kissed goodbye the hug we shared after seemed to last a lifetime, a tear slid down Harry's face as the coach started to move and he stared out of the window. Me and Harrys family stood in each others arms as we reassured each other it would all be okay.

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