Harry's Girl

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Chapter One

Well, todays the day.  The day my boyfriend Harry Styles auditons for the X Factor! I've known him since we were 11 years old and started seondary school, it's always been his dream to become a singer.  I love watching him perform in White Eskimo, but today his beautiful voice is going to shine alone, singing my favourite song 'Isn't She Lovely', Harry sung it to me before asking me to be his girlfriend.  I'll be waiting with him backstage and standing in the wings with his family as he auditions, no words can describe how incredibly proud we all are of him.  

Well Harry's audition was perfect! Even though he got one no, he's still heading off to bootcamp in a few weeks.  We celebrated last night in our own way;) and tonight we're off out for a celebratory family meal, as we have both now finished school and have just attended prom.  Me and Harry do literally everything together, we spend most nights at each others houses as we only live a few streets away from each other.  I'm going to miss him so much when he goes to bootcamp, but I was the one who persuaded him to audition and I'll never hold him back.  I'm starting at Manchester University in September and so will Harry, but hopefully he'll win X Factor and by September he'll be living out his dream!  The only thing that scares me about Harry living out his dream is that he'll forget me, not only is he the best boyfriend I could ever wish for, he's my best friend, I love him more than anything and can't imagine life without him.

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