60| the team players

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⚠️ Warning! Colourful language ahead!

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⚠️ Warning! Colourful language ahead!

Caleb sighed and looked at his brother sleeping on the stiff hospital bed sadly. He hated seeing Colton looking so helpless and defeated but there was virtually nothing Caleb could do but just watch.

They had argued a few minutes ago and the argument escalated when voices started to be raised and it had to be broken off by a doctor, who had explained to them that they were making noise for they were in a hospital and gently reprimanded Colton to take it easy and not get stressed.

All that Colton wanted to do was to rip out the IV wires and cords attached to him and storm out of the antiseptic smelling hospital but he could do none of that no matter how badly he wanted to. He was stuck on this hospital bed for another three days before he could be released and Colton couldn't wait for the last day to arrive quickly enough.

He thought about Asa, his princess, the girl whom he had been talking to for the past few weeks, the girl who constantly preoccupied his mind to the point of it being an obsession, the girl he hasn't even met. Colton was smitten, he knew it and his twin brother knew it, he was absolutely smitten with a girl he hasn't met yet and he wanted to date her and for her to be his girlfriend.

But reality came crashing down like a tidal wave and Colton realized that he had been selfish. He had been selfish and considerate of his feelings alone and never of Asa's. He hadn't thought about how Asa would feel when she found out he was dying, how would she react to everything, only how happy she made him and he knew that he didn't want to do that anymore to her and so he decided that he would cut things off with her, however, it was easier said than done.

He hated their last conversation together, it was tacky, well at least to him it was, but he didn't know what else to say. He was lucky that they've only talked through calls and have never seen each other's faces. He didn't know how he'd say it if they were face to face.

He rubbed his face with his hand, the IV going along with him. He missed Asa, God he missed talking to her so much but he couldn't be selfish, not anymore. He couldn't, wouldn't allow himself to put the pain of grief over her shoulders now that he was dying.

Caleb looked at his brother who was deep in thought. He wondered what he was thinking about and wanted to ask about it, but he didn't act on it and decided to stay seated on the couch on the corner of the hospital bed. He went back on their argument. Him insisting that he won't die while Colton telling him harshly to get used to the perspective of death. He felt a tear pricking the corner of his eye but Caleb quickly wiped it away before it could go further.

He couldn't bear the thought of his twin brother dying, or burying him six feet under the earth, it just made his heartache with pain, so he denied it and pretended that Colton didn't have a life-threatening disease in his body but a common cold even though he knew, deep down that Colton might slip away from his fingers at any moment.

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