"Truth or dare, Niall." Cheryl asks with a smirk on her face. I look around the circle that has all of their eyes on me watching intently.

"Truth." I answer listening to Harry groan. He leans into the chair and takes a sip of what looks to be mint water as well.

"Would you let Zayn fuck you tonight?" She asks making both  Tara and I gasp at her foul language.

"Um, no? He's a stranger." I say as Cheryl shrugs, telling me 'its no big deal'.

The circle goes around once more before Harry has to ask me a truth or dare question while shirtless.

"Have you ever had sex?" He asks as I raise an eyebrow.

"Aren't you supposed to ask me truth or dare?" I ask him watching him scoff and roll his eyes

"You're just going to say truth anyways." He mutters before taking a sip of his water.

"Dare." I say sounding braver than I feel.

"Take a shot." He says handing me a bottle of clear liquor. Vodka. I grab the bottle slowly and place the cold rim on my lips. I can feel my lips grow numb at contact of the bottle as I tilt my head back, ignoring the thought of other mouths on this bottle.

I clench my eyes closed as the liquid burns its way down my throat. I could hear cheering as I opened my eyes. I grabbed my water and washed it down my throat trying to rid myself of the alcohol taste.

The circle went around once more and soon Cheryl was asking me another question.

"Are you a virgin?" She asks as I take another sip of my new water Zayn fetched for me.

"Dare." I say again as I start to get comfortable on the floor. My bum has been getting numb but I'm sure everyone's is by now.

"Take a shot." She says giving me the same dare. I tilt my head back with the same bottle and take another shot, feeling this one go down much easier than the last one.

The circle goes around a few more times until the game gets broken up by drunk teenagers falling into our circle and slowly replacing us one by one.

I had taken a few shots and the warmness in my chest was keeping me from walking home. Maybe I can enjoy this party.

"Niall! I have to go home, my mum will be back any minute and If she finds out I went out she wont let me play the footy team so I need to go." Liam says handing me his drunk girlfriend.

"What am I supposed to do with her?" I ask Liam as he begins to walk away.

"Put her to bed." He yells back to me over the music before disappearing through the front door.

I slowly guide a drunken Tara up the stairs which isn't easy considering I've had a few shots myself.

I open a bedroom door and guide Tara in and gently place her onto the bed. I slowly begin to unbuckle her high heels and place them by the door. I also place my full water on the bedside table for when she wakes up sick.

"Go down to the party Niall." She slurs as I sit on the floor. I won't just leave Tara here alone. Somebody could come in here after she passes out.

"No, I don't really like parties anyway." I excuse, not caring for the scene downstairs.

"can you go get me a doughnut? I really want a doughnut." She whines and rolls in the bed.

"Do they even have doughnuts here?" I laugh as Tara sits up nodding frantically and telling me where they are.

Unfortunately to get Tara's precious doughnut, I would need to walk back downstairs and into the kitchen. But of course, being the good friend that I am I stand up and walk out of the room, promising Tara that I will be right back.

I make my way down the stairs ignoring all of the smoke that has built up in the house. I squeeze my way through crowds of people, apologizing even though I doubt they knew someone was making their way through.

I walk into the kitchen spotting a keg and many empty cups and bottles littering the island.
This kitchen is gorgeous, it does need more decor though.

I grab a doughnut for Tara and put a napkin around it, knowing she will need it in her state.

I make my way up the stairs and frown as I see Harry in my way.

"Look twink. I don't know what you think you're doing but you better stop." He threatens. He smells like alcohol but doesn't sound drunk at all. Tipsy maybe?

"Bringing Tara food?" I ask looking at the dessert in my hand becoming confused. Was this his?

"No, to me. You pour shit on me and have me acting weird. Stop it." He says poking my chest before I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He demands as I roll them again only this time I do agree that I should have listened to him.

Cold red liquid runs down my shirt making me grow frustrated with him.

"Whats wrong with you? You purposely throw stuff at me and then blame me!" I exclaim looking at the soon to be red stain in my shirt.

" you're the one who's annoying and started it all!" He yells back making me roll my eyes at him for the third time.

"I'm done talking to you Harry." I say before brushing past him to deliver Tara's doughnut.

"Well I'm not." He says grabbing my shoulder. I turn around before Harry can pull me and I smack the dessert into his black shirt, letting the icing leave marks on his now cake covered shirt.

Turning away again I sneak into the room where Tara lays almost passed out.

"Doughnut?" She asks as I shake my head

"They were all out."


2133 words for you all

Dont let me go // narryWhere stories live. Discover now