That's My Man! (Izuku x Toga x SpiderGwen x Gwenpool)

Start from the beginning

"Midoriya why would you date a villain!" Iida said only to barley avoid the webs, knives and bullets aimed at him. "Zip it four-eyes!" The three of them shouted as Izuku motioned them all to come closer. "Look, at first it was unavoidable otherwise she'd threatened to kill you all and my mother. But, after a while I kinda enjoyed those outings I suppose..." Izuku said as he was patted on the back by Kadota. 

"So now it's another hot mess in the fire." Kadota said as he looked at the text message he got, from Gwen and answered it. 'By the way, the relationship of Izuku and Toga is not connected with the first Izuku and Toga one shot on this fanfic. It's not cannon to those thinking it is. -Gwen' Is what Gwen wrote as Kadota closed his phone. 

"Hate to brake it ladies, but I'm his first kiss." Stacy said as that seemed to flip a switch in the three of them. "Really Stacy, only a kiss? Well just so you know...Izuku has my lewds and made me get out of my panties to see the ass he likes so much~" Gwen said as the three of them stood still.

"Holy shit...everyone find cover now." Kaminari said as they all hid behind the trees and plants as makeshift protection. "Well, good luck Izuku. Hope you don't die." Kadota said as he made it to the hole in the air and zipped it up as he entered. "Wha-" Soon the sounds of guns and explosions littered the air.

Izuku felt his hair blown back against the sudden burst of wind from the explosion, only standing still as it died down. 'E-Eh? What just happened? What was that?' Izuku thought as he suddenly felt more gust of wind scattering around the front of the campus and bullet holes littering the walls and dirt and concrete. 

A small paper fluttered down to him as he caught it and opened the paper. "Izuku, though you are a innocent sun child too pure to practically melt the hearts of women and even some men. I'll advise you on this thing happening. As your falsely dyed blonde haired classmate Kaminari. (Sorry that was Gwen that made that of him) Had said to find cover, he wasn't wrong. You have practically grasp the hearts of these women, and now the most terrefying thing to happen to a man, child and a means of life and death to women...A cat fight."

"Specifically, a cat fight with a fourth wallbreaking (Sexy and hot ass) girl. A girl (With huge tits and nice thighs and decent ass) with the powers of a spider. And a (ripoff version of me) somewhat yandere girl in love but not hellbent murduring you or your loveones after your past dates. All I can say to you now...Is good luck in surviving and hiding. Warm Regards, Kadota."

He just stood still, Izuku stood there looking at the paper, now fluttered away from the wind as he now realized what he had done. "WHAT THE HELL!" Izuku screamed as another explosion echoed as Toga, Stacy and Gwen were dodging each others moves. "That all you bitches got!" Gwen said as she dodged the incoming knives from Toga. 

"Woah! Easy their knockoff! Keep away from the sexy face and perfect ass!" Gwen said as she began throwing grenades at them. "Gwen! No more explosives their's people here!" Stacy said as she shot her webs around the grenades, lessening the blast. "Jeez does she not remember how to control herself?" Stacy mumbled till her spider sense kicked in, helping her avoid a stabbing motion from the side.

"Ya know, you should focus on trying to live instead of worrying about others." Toga said as she attpemted to keep stabbing at her. "Damn it, you're pretty quick, concidering those big targets on your chest are heavy for you!" Toga said as both evaded and dodged their attacks. "Okay seriously! My tits aren't that big!" Stacy said, underneath the mask she was blushing deep red.

"Hell yeah they are!" Kaminari and Mineta said as they poked their heads out of their hiding spot in the bush. "See! Even the perverts know those things are massive!" Toga paused her stabbing and flailed her arms at Stacy. In bit of rage, Stacy pulled off her mask and revealed her face. 

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