I take a sip and nod. Then I set my glass down on the counter, keeping my hand around the stem. "So, why are we drinking?"

Seunghoon leans to the left and places his elbow on the counter. "There was a new girl at work today."

I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah. She's pretty. And she's smart, too. We're gonna go get coffee tomorrow morning and talk work stuff."


Seunghoon laughs. "Yeah. Her name's Teagan."

"Teagan?" I ask. "That's a pretty name. Where's she from?"

"Second sector," Seunghoon replies. "Got transferred to our division because she's good at desk work, apparently."

I nod and take another sip of wine.

He sighs with a smile on his face. "She even had some new ideas, man. Like, ideas the director hasn't even really talked about. About a new group. She hasn't told me exactly what, but that's what she's gonna talk about with me tomorrow. I'm actually pretty excited, you know? I think she might really be a big help with the Nocturas and especially if there's a new group and—"

He stops suddenly and I awkwardly take a sip of my wine.

After a split second of uncomfortable silence, Seunghoon continues. "You know, Minho, you haven't been out in a while. Like, on a date."

"A date?" I laugh. "Yeah, right. I don't need to go on dates."

"So you just wanna spend the rest of your life at a flower shop?"

"Hey," I tell him. "I like it there. I enjoy working there."

He laughs. "I know, I know. I just think... once Teagan and I become better friends, I thought maybe we could start going on double dates, you know? But I can't exactly do that if you don't have a date."

"Why's it gotta be me?" I ask. "Don't you have another friend you could go on a double date with?"

"Come on, Minho!" He punches my shoulder lightly. "You're my best friend. Have been, always will be. You're the one that's gotta go on the double dates with me."

I roll my eyes. "You're the one who's good with the ladies."

"Oh, really?" Seunghoon snorts. "I recall, growing up, you were always flirting with all the girls. You were a total player, always had a ton of girls trailing after you."

"I think you're exaggerating a bit."

He laughs and shakes his head, taking another sip of his wine.

There's a moment of comfortable silence.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Seunghoon asks.

I clear my throat. "Yeah, I did. You?"

"Not yet," he answers with a sigh. "I should probably go eat something, though. It's pretty late. If you're hungry, you could come over. I think I've got leftover curry."

I give him a small laugh. "Sounds good, but I've already had my fill. Thanks, though."

Seunghoon shakes his head and downs the rest of his glass of wine. "Hey, thanks for the wine. I'll have to buy this bottle next time I get some."

I leave my glass on the counter and walk Seunghoon toward the front door. He opens it and then turns around to give me a quick, two-finger salute.

"Hey, good luck tomorrow," I tell him.

He grins. "Thanks, man. I'll see you around."

I give him a two-finger salute before he heads off toward his house on the right.

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