2- bitch

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Edited July 21st 2018


sitting next to Harry always leaves me feeling on edge but when the bell finally rings, dismissing us from the class, I quickly clean my station and write my name on the sketch I made before handing it in to the teacher.

I quickly exit the room without Tara and began to walk towards my next class in a rush. I do not want to get caught up with Harry as I leave, I know he's probably still angry with how his day has started.

As I walk into the history class and I notice how different the teachers at the school are. The woman teaching this class has a couch in the back of the classroom and has twinkling star lights on in her room giving a very relaxing vibe.

"I'm Niall." I introduce as I'm the only one here. The young woman smiles up at me and introduces herself as Mrs. Barkley. so far I haven't heard much about the teachers yet but I have been loving their characters.

I sit in a random seat and situate my books for the history lesson. I have taken history in all of my years of high school and I have never been one to ever get enough. I like to think of history class as one big story and I believe it is so interesting to listen and learn about how we have come to who we are today. I wait tapping my foot impatiently as students walk in and make themselves comfortable before the bell rings and Mrs. Barkley begins the lesson.

I feel the seat next to me shift and soon I'm being spoken to.

"I'm Liam." A boy introduces with his hand struck out. I slowly take his hand in mine and give it a soft shake before telling him my name.

"Irish huh?" He asks as he pulls his books out as well. He's so nice that I barely notice the tattoo's sticking out from under his sleeves.

"Um yeah, I just moved here." I say stating the obvious as the bell rings and more people flood into the class room last minute.

"Well London is not that sunny but I am sure that you knew that, and the school is great." He adds on smiling at two guys from across the room who I assume he is friends with.

"Does the sun ever come out?" I ask looking outside at the grey clouds and leaves falling in the soft wind. I dont mind the fall, if anything it has to be my favourite season.

"It shows once or twice but I wouldn't plan on getting a tan." He jokes as a smile covers my features. Liam and I work on an intro slide show for the rest of the class and say our goodbyes as the class ends and we're rushed to our next session.

I internally groan at the thought of fitness but noticing the small muffin top I get in my skinniest jeans makes me reconsider my uneasy reaction to physical activity. Walking into the gym I am instantly joined by Tara who tells me her culinary class was 'bogus'.

We listen to the coach ramble on about the same safety talk I believe we both have been hearing for years and finally we begin to hit a small plastic birdie back and forth with two expensive rackets.

"So how was history?" Tara asks as I reach out to hit the birdie but miss, watching it hit the floor.

"It was alright. It's very relaxing in there. I even met a friend." I tell her as she smiles and hits the birdie back to me.

"who's that?" She asks as she dives for the birdie hitting it hard at my chest. I pick up the birdie sending her a playful glare before serving it back to her.

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