Chapter Five-The Invite And Party {Two In One Chapter}

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AT LUNCH Mark had an important announcement that he wanted to share with everyone. He took the microphone that was on the stage and started tapping it. Brynn sits with me and my other friends,but it's not as if she's besties with them. She rolled her eyes as Mark was attempting to talk on ten mic.
"Testing one two- one two three-one and a one-two and a two-"
"Dude!Just get to the point already!" Jacob said. "True," Brynn said nudging me in the elbow as I let out a small laugh.
"Okay.Everyone! Since today is a Friday,I want to be your average high schooler by having a party tonight that starts at six thirty to eleven thirty! You should come! I'm passing out invitations." He said as he gave us invitations.

" He said as he gave us invitations

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"You going?" Annie asked. "Yeah!Lets all go together." I said. "I mean,we can use my dads limo." Ruby said. Her and Nadia's parents are filthy rich.Apparently one of them is the CEO of Instagram,and another one is a Physical Therapist. "My parents wouldn't mind.Brynn you coming?" Nadia asked. "I-Uh-"
"Yes.She's definitely coming." I said smiling at Brynn.
AFTER SCHOOL I texted Brynn to come over,so we can get ready together. I told her to bring her clothes,and we can do our hair and makeup together.

 I told her to bring her clothes,and we can do our hair and makeup together

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After finally picking out my outfit,Brynn came over. She wore a cute red striped shirt with blue jeans and black converse. I wore a black crop top,ripped black jeans and short black heels that looked like boots. "Makeup and hair!" I said. "Remember,nothing heavy." Brynn said. "Yeah yeah." I decided to straighten her hair,and apply light makeup. I applied light makeup too,and decided to do wavy hair. I then got a text from Ruby.

"Ruby's going to be here in four minutes

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"Ruby's going to be here in four minutes." I informed Brynn.
"Okay. Let's go." She said,and we saw Nadia,Annie,Lauren and Ruby sitting inside the limo. We got in,and it was leather seats and food. There was cheese and crackers,and juice. "I'm so excited!" Lauren squealed. "Geez,Lauren." Annie said, laughing. "New girl.Lets get to know you,since your new,and stuff." Lauren said. Brynn looked at her for a second, and then answered her question. "Well I'm Brynn Rumfallo,I'm fifteen,I'm from Orlando,Florida and I love hot weather."
"Nice! Same here!" Nadia said. "Oh cool!I've only been to Florida once,and it was in Tampa." Annie said. "I've only went to Orlando Florida once too and it was to see some relatives." Lauren said. "We are here!" Brynn said,pointing at Mark's house. "Guess so." I whispered.
We got out of the limo and Brynn rang the doorbell to Mark's house. Johnny got the door,and we burst into a hug. "Wow guys." Annie said laughing. "Everyone's in the basement." Johnny said,as we went downstairs. There was chips,pasta,dinner foods,snacks,and a lot of drinks. Mark came running up to the girls and showed us a big red bowl of a drink. "It's alcohol!Come for it later." Mark said winking at all of us. "Uh no." Nadia said.
SOONER OR LATER All the girls separated and I was sitting on the couch on my phone,talking to Johnny. Jacob then told us to come upstairs to play truth or dare. We went up and found everyone sitting in a circle. "We're playing truth or dare. Here's the rules- you have to do the dare or say the truth or else you have to leave." Hayden said. "Leave?"Brynn repeated. "Yeah." Jacob said. "That's not fair." Annie argued. "Rules are rules." Mark said.
We played for a while,until Mark dared Brynn to kiss Johnny for two minutes. Brynn looked at me with a worried look,and asked for approval. She whispered in my ear and said, "I won't do it. We can just go-" "Brynn! Just do it!I don't care!" I yelled. She jumped back,and flinched. Johnny then got the message and didn't ask. I feel bad for yelling at her,but oh well. Johnny and Brynn then started kissing. He went in deep,and Brynn put her hand on his neck. He picked her up and they kissed more. Ruby patted my back. "We can just leave." Annie whispered. "No." I said. I watched Brynn and Johnny kissing each other like a love fest. "5,4,3,2,1.Done!" Hayden said. Johnny then put her down and they smiled at each other. It was the most painful two minutes of my life. My heart felt as if it shattered and has been stepped on. I ran upstairs and chugged down the alcohol that was in the red bowl. I chugged down 3 or 4 cups,and started crying. Everyone came upstairs and was worried about me,especially Brynn.Its not her fault,she asked me and I said yes. "Kenzie!Stop!" Johnny said pulling the cup away. I then took my cup from him and made his open his mouth and chug the alcohol. He became drunk,just as I was. We decided he would drop me off home. That's when things got bad.
Authors note:
Who's side are you on? Kenzie or Brynn? Comment!!
Word count - 892 words
-author 💜

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