3. That Look

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"Silence!" Nightmare roared and backhanded Ink, knocking him to the floor. "Nothing, you know nothing! I have won, your death is the end!"

"Wrong," Ink shrugged. "You may be too arrogant to understand, but there is hope. All you have to do is open your eyes."

Kill him, the voice whispered to Nightmare, its claws dragging against the ground. Nightmare looked to his master, the lord of shadow and darkness, the true king of the void that none could see but him. There is nothing he can do to save himself. Your reign begins with his head on a pike for all to see.

There was a small voice in the back of Nightmare's head that seemed to scream against this, that despite his murderous and cruel tendencies, that ending Ink's life would do nothing to secure his claim over the multiverse, only to help weaken it.

But now his master was screaming, wailing into Nightmare's mind that he had to kill, kill, KILL!

"Horror," Nightmare instructed, his voice oddly calm and free of all the cares in the world, liberated. "Bring me your axe."

~ And Yet The World Turns ~

Something was wrong.

You could see it in the blue veins of the echo flowers, in the stars that swirled in their endless sea in the sky around you, the way the trees seemed to shudder and swirl against the passing of a cold breeze that could herald nothing but cold and calamity to come. The effects of the war were felt here, no matter where you ran or hide. Somewhere, everywhere, there was always a small reminder of the battles and horrors that raged around.

You could see it in the way even the monster child walked, the way his skip seemed to lessen, the bags around his eyes grew. You felt it too, the growing of darkness and despair inside, a black pit that sucked out all life, all hope. The balance has shifted, you thought darkly, wondering what that could possibly mean. Something has gone wrong, terribly wrong.

"Where are we heading kiddo?" you asked, looking at the trees. They no longer seemed warm or inviting, but colder, much, much colder. Their branches were gnarled claws that reached for your throat and caught on your sweatshirt, trying to tear out the skin underneath the fabric. You stepped on a stick in the midst of your struggle, shattering the wood and casting it aside like it meant nothing.

And he was still there.

You shook off the thought, not wanting to pay attention to the eyes you were certain had been following you for the last hour. The monster child didn't answer, his head buried in the scarf wrapped around his neck. Run, you thought, realising that something was wrong here, rooted in the very core of this world. There was no safe place, every universe was a war zone.

"I have to get back to the Capital," you lied, hoping to cover the fear in your voice. "Important business, you know."

"[Y/N]," the monster child rasped, his voice taking on a much more demonic tone. A series of numbers swirled around his head, brief glimpses into the corrupted code that constructed the monster. You felt your blood run cold at the mention of your name, having not told it to anyone but Ink. "I thought we were getting along so nicely?"

The eyes of the monster child were a milky white, the same white of the eyes of a recently deceased corpse, staring at you. You gaped in horror and spun on your heels, charging blindly into the forest. Child-like laughter rang through the air, magnified by the echo flowers that were scattered throughout Waterfall. "Don't you want to play a game?" the monster child asked.

Play a game, the echo flowers agreed.

"You know, I could really use your help!" you snarled at the trees above where you were certain your mysterious follower was hidden, watching, never helping. You caught a brief glimpse of grey, the dull pigment the skin of the monster child had taken.

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