-"I'll stop this now." He said.

He tried to kill Skye with an arrow made of magic. Seokjin stood in front of her so the arrow hit him instead of her.

-"Seokjin!" She cried "Why did you do that?"

-"I want to show you that you can trust us. Aren't we friends?"

-"Of course we are. But I don't want this to happen."

-"I'm your guardian and I believe in you, you can do it. Because I trust you."

Tears were falling from her eyes as he was freezing like a statue and started to crash into pieces.

Tears were falling from her eyes as he was freezing like a statue and started to crash into pieces

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

-"I won't forgive you for this

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

-"I won't forgive you for this."

-"Wait to see more."

The others worried about Seokjin so Taehyung took advantage of this opportunity and absorbed their power and their magic.

-"Stop it! You're hurting them. What are you doing?"

-"I'll take their power to become stronger. If I did it, I'll turn into a devil."

She tried to use her magic against him but a transparent shield was protecting him.

When he finished, something black was coming out from his back until he had big black wings.

When he finished, something black was coming out from his back until he had big black wings

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

He was completely a devil.
One hour is left for the red moon.

-"See, I'm more stronger now. You can't stop me. Hh, what happened to you? Answer!"

She whispered "I'll kill you."

-"What did you say?"

-"I said I'll kill you!"

A strong blue light was floating around her.

-"Prepare to die."

Her eyes turned to red, she moved like a shadow, fast and invisible. She was able to hit him in different parts of his body. His leg and arm were wounded. And from his back, she cut a pair of his wings. He was unable to stand and he breathed hardly.

-"I didn't think you'll be strong like this." He said.

He was more surprised when he saw all her wounds being healed by themselves.

To finish it, a lightning was coming out from her left hand (Like the chidori in Naruto) and strapped him in his heart. He felt in the floor like a doll unable to move.

By her magic, she absorbed his power and transmitted it to her five friends

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

By her magic, she absorbed his power and transmitted it to her five friends.
They were in a half good state but there's still Seokjin who was...dead.

-"How can I bring him again to life, tell me!" She told Taehyung angrily.

-"T...There's no way he can live again, don't you s..see he is dead." He replied smiling.

Black world (A BTS fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin