Chapter 9

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And then came her turn, she started to float in the air without her will. Everything disappeared, everything around her was black.

All of a sudden, she was falling down with a high speed. She was afraid, thought where would she fall.

With a blink of an eye, she felt in the sea. She kept swimming until she reached the surface of the water and found herself swimming in a little black swimming pool in a white room.
She got out, took her breath.

-"Who're you?" Someone asked.

A man was standing behind her looking at the water, he seemed afraid and depressed.

A man was standing behind her looking at the water, he seemed afraid and depressed

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"I'm Skye, I'm the choosen one."

-"You're finally here, I have waited for a long time. Am I the only one you were able to save?"

-"N..No, I saved another four but..they're trapped again. But I can still save them, don't worry."

-"I don't think we can escape from this world, this is our destiny to stay here forever."

-"Don't say that, we can do it. I have the power and you the will. Tell me first who you are."

-"I'm Seokjin, Prince of darkness."

She got out from the swimming pool

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She got out from the swimming pool.

-"Do you know a way to get out from here?"

-"I told you it's our destiny to stay here."

An apple with a X engraved on it appeared on the surface of the water.

-"Wait! This apple, I saw it. It was the same apple that Jimin was holding when we found him."

-"It always appears here. It doesn't have any inportance."

-"I don't think so, maybe this apple is related with magic also there wasn't any apple tree here. It can be our way to get out from here."

Seokjin took the apple and threw it strongly, it smashed into the wall.

-"Why did you do that?" She asked.

-"It's the reason of my existence here, it's the reason for the loss of my friends."

Another one with the same mark appeared on the surface of the water.

He screamed of anger and hit the water, it splashed strongly.

-"Calm down, I told you I'll save you, all the six."

She took the apple and smelt its scent.

-"Wait! Don't do it! Stop right now!"

She bitted it and suddenly felt on the floor.

-"Skye! Are you okay? Skye!"

Her eyes were closing slowly and felt asleep.

In her dreams, she saw herself in a forest. Then, six boys were walking in front of her. They were talking and laughing loudly.

-"You! You, the six are here, together. Now I'm able to save you."

They stopped and looked at her with an evil look.

Yoongi took few steps towards her "Yeah! We're finally here so...we're able to kill you."

-"What are you saying?"

She was walking backwards "But why? I'm helping you, I don't want to hurt you anymore."

A few tears felt from her eyes.

She continued while crying "I'm the one who needs help, I need someone to save me from this nightmare. I always felt afraid and unwanted even between my family. I don't trust anyone not even myself. I liked you and thought I could trust you. I'm sorry!"

She wiped her tears and found herself in a dark room. The six were in a cage trying to escape.

Jimin cried "Skye! We're happy to see you! Help us!"


-"Is this a question? What happened to you?"

-"Why should I trust you anyway, you hate me, you'll kill me. I won't believe anyone."

-"Nonsense! Are you even Skye?"

Again, the six disappeared and there was a sound of footsteps and someone told her "Skye, they don't care about you, you thought you could be friends but that's impossible. Did you think a vampire, a fallen angel, a werewolf and the leader of red foxes will be loyal? Those creatures don't know mercy. They use you to escape from their jail and then they'll try to kill you. Skye, I'm saying the truth, I'm the only one who you can believe."

-"But who are you?"

She heard another voice saying "Skye, Skye, wake up!"

Everything was disappearing, she was going to wake up from this nightmare.

-"Wait! Tell me first who you are?"

-"A dear friend, Skye."

The nightmare ended and she woke up and found Seokjin next to her.

-"Tell me what you saw!" He said.

-"It wasn't something really important."

-"Tell me!"

-"Why do you want to know?"
-"I'm one of the six, as you're the choosen one and you'll save us, I'll be your guardian."

-"I don't want this to happen, what if all of you are deceiving me?"

-"So this is what this apple showed you. Listen to me, the reason I destroyed the first one was because this apple always shows you what you don't want to see, it doesn't say the truth never. You still don't believe me?"

-"Not so much."

-"One day, the magician sent one apple like this to each one of the six. They bitted it like you did and from this moment all of them hated each other. I didn't eat it but I tried to tell them the truth about this apple but no one listened to me. We used to fight together, we were really strong when we fought together but after eating it, we divided that's why that magician was able to beat us."

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