Chapter 17

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Kaiden's POV

It's so damn lonely laying in this hospital bed. Mum doesn't visit because she's always working. Felix has school, Valerie knows but I don't know if she'd even want to visit. I just want to get out of here.

I've had the worst sleep and it must be around 8am because the nurses are beginning to do their rounds.

The same nurse that came in last night and told Felix to leave came in this morning, she was followed in by a doctor.

"Hello Kaiden." he started "I've gotten your test results back and all has turned out well, we know your mother works late so unless she gets off early to come and discharge you, you'll have to wait here."

"Couldn't I call someone else to pick me up, like my father?" I pleaded

"Unfortunately because your mother is the only one under family, she's the only one who can get you."

"But couldn't you ring her and ask her for permission!?" I began to get annoyed.

"We can try to contact her." He turned to the nurse. "Lucy if you wouldn't mind trying I have other patients to see, Kaiden, we will try, if we can't contact her I'm sorry but you will have to wait."

I sighed as they both left the room and layed back down, bored out of my mind. All I want to do is get out of this place.

I must've dozed off again because I was awoken by a tap on my shoulder.

"Kaiden? Kaiden are you awake, son?"

I opened my eyes to see my dad standing over me.

"Hey dad, have you come to pick me up?" I asked sleepily.

"Yeah bud, if you get changed ill pack up all your stuff and we'll get you out of here, to my new place." He grinned as I got up out of bed.

I got my clothes and walked into the bathroom to get changed. I looked in the mirror and saw a big black and purple bruise on my head with a couple stitches in it. I looked drained and I sure felt it.

I walked out of the room and saw dad signing some papers. He turned and looked at me

"Are you coming?" he asked

I nodded and we left the hospital for his house.

Hey guys sorry that this chapter is kinda poo but I'm trying. I hope you're all enjoying it so far c:

Under the Oak Tree. BoyxBoyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن