Chapter 3

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Guy on the side is Felix! :DD

Felix's POV

I watched Kaiden cross the road and enter his house before getting to my gate, Mum was home, dad was not, that's odd, he usually is by now. Oh well, must be important business or something like that. Then I remembered he's on a business trip. Derp Felix, I facepalmed. I opened the door and spotted Charlotte. She smiled and ran up to me.

“FELIX!” She yelled and hugged my legs, she's so short, it's cute.

“Hey you, how was kinder?” I hugged her back, bending down to actually be able to.

“It was fun,” She grabbed my hand and walked me to the lounge room “I played with play dough and sang songs and had a tea party” She smiled.

“Aw, that's cool, I'm going to go put my things away and then go help mum with dinner, if you wan't I can put ABC or something on for you to watch?”

She jumped up and down and jumped onto the couch “Yes please!”

I turned on the tv and made my way up the stairs to me. I sat my bag on my bed and put my books on my desk. Once I had it all organized I went back downstairs to help mum with dinner.

“Hey mum, what's for dinner” I asked walking into the kitchen.

“We're just having pizza for dinner, I'm gonna call now and order, what do you want?”

“Same as usual, plain with extra ham and cheese, please. Oh also I've been invited to go to the zoo with Valerie, Alexandria and Kaiden, can I go?”

“Sure, why don't you take your sister?”

“Mum! No. I'm not taking her, I always take her everywhere, I just want a day to myself and my friends, please.”

“Okay, that's fine, all you had to do was tell me.”

“FINALLY! If you need me I'll be in my room, doing homework.”

I walked out the kitchen and took my phone out of my pocket to tell Val I can come and that I don't have to bring Charlotte. I got a text back with a big YAY! With at least a million A's, that crazy child.

I'd been doing homework for the past half hour when I was called down for dinner. I ran downstairs to the kitchen tripping over just about everything, damn I'm clumsy! Okay not only did I trip over everything, but I just ran into a wall too. I walked into the kitchen rubbing my head.

“What did you do this time?” Mum asked with Charlotte giggling by her side.

“Oh you know, tripped over everything and ran into a wall..” That only made Charlotte laugh more. Well that's the second time today I've been laughed at. What is it? Laugh at Felix day? Geez.

I grabbed my pizza and sat at the table. Mmm, it smells good, I opened the box and it smelt even better I grabbed a piece and scoffed it down. Mum cleared her throat, I looked up and smiled with a mouth full of pizza.

"Do you think you have enough in your mouth?" She looked at me with a straight face.

"Um... Yes? I think I do" I mumbled it sounded more like Mmm mes? I fink I do. I mangaed to spit some of it our while talking. Gross. Some landed near Charlotte.

"EW! Felix! Get it away from me" She whined.  Just to annoy her I left it there and swallowed the rest of it down.

"Nope, I don't think I will." I laughed.

"Felix, clean it. Now." Mum said with an angered tone.

"Fine" I got up and cleaned it.

We finished dinner and I went back up to my room. Computer time! Aw yeah! I logged onto Facebook. 5 notifications and an inbox, nothing out of the ordinary, except for that. A friend request. I checked it, oh hey it's Kaiden. He seemed like a really cool guy, guess I'll accept him. Theres just something about him. The way he looks, his laugh, his smile. Thinking of him gave me tingles. What the hell is this? I'm straight. Aren't I? Great now I'm questioning my sexualtiy. 

I gave up on facebook after about 20 minutes and went onto Youtube to see if Tobuscus has anything new. WOO he does! I lost track of time and seemed to be watching him until about 11. Plus I was sleepy, so I guess I'll sleep. I closed off my computer and jumped into bed. Oh crap. I have to get changed don't I. Okay so I got changed and got into bed AGAIN! Just as I was about to drift off to sleep I remembered, I have to go with mum to send off Charlotte in the morning.. What have I gotten myself into.

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