Chapter 12

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Kaidens POV

I was still a bit shitty about what happened yesterday. I honestly didn't sleep from it. How could one be so rude and insulting. Gay's are humans too, no one says that there can only be a specific two genders to love someone. Gender has nothing to do with love.

Stupid rude asshole penis faced Cody.

If he doesn't stop I will have to do something about it. Just because he doesn't understand how things work between people doesn't mean he can make his own way about it.

I started to get off track and cursing at Cody in my mind, but something happened. I saw a flash of his smile in my head, it had made my heart skip a beat and gave me butterflies. No. No one does that to me except Felix. I can't be developing feelings for Cody, he's rude and I really do NOT like him one bit.

I tried to think of Felix but the picture of Cody's smile just kept popping up into my head constantly. I need to sleep, I must be out of my mind or something.

I tried my hardest to try and fall asleep but I just couldn't do it. I threw on a movie and tried to watch it, but I couldn't focus on the tv. I couldn't focus on anything. The room started spinning and I felt like I was going to throw up.

I ran to the bathroom with my hand on my mouth just in case. I opened the toilet and just continuously just kept throwing up. That's all I remember for that night. Though I do know I passed out because I was now awake in a hospital bed with my mum by my side holding my hand tightly.

"Oh! You're okay!" She said a little too loudly, I felt it echo in my head.

I gave her a weak smile. "I've been so worried." She continued placing her hand on my head.

"Does it hurt?" She asked.

"Does what hurt?" I said confused.

"You're head" She stopped and placed my hand on my head. I felt something like a bandage and then it began to hurt.

"It does now. What did I do? I only remember being viontley sick?"

"When you passed out you," She paused for a moment... "You fell and hit your head on the corner of the bath. I ran to the door to see what the crashing noise was and you didn't answer so I came in and found you on the floor. Bleeding. Luckily you weren't bleeding too much and you only have a small wound, but it is all stitched up now. You won't be able to go to school for a while because the doctors want to do tests on you."

I sighed not because I was stuck in here for a while, but because I wont be able to see Felix.

My poor Felix. I miss him a lot. I wonder if they'll let him come see me.

"Mum, have you told Felix yet?" I asked quickly, making my head spin again.

"No, I wasn't sure you wanted him to know."

"Please call him and tell him, I want to see him."

As I asked that she stood up and left the room with my phone in her hand.

I think I may have fallen asleep again because I opened my eyes and saw Felix.

"Kaiden?" Felix asked with his hand on my knee. "Kaiden! Are you okay? Your mother told me everything and I got here as fast as I could." He was talking too fast, I couldn't keep up. All I did was shook my head slowly and he smiled a little bit.

"Mum, can you leave us talk for a little bit please?" I asked.

"Sure thing." She rubbed my leg and left for the waiting room.

"Felix. I wont be able to see you for a bit." I said with a sad tone.

"Wha- Why?"

"The doctors want to keep me here to do some tests and stuff."

"Oh, that sucks. I'm going to make sure I can come here pretty much everyday." He smiled.

"Thanks Felix. It means a lot." I smiled back at him and he leaned in for a quick kiss.

Even though it was short, it was nice. I loved his kisses. They were the best thing in the world to me. I couldn't ask for anything more then him. All I need to do is figure out a way to tell mum I'm gay. I hope she doesn't hate me for it. The way she hates dad. I sighed.

"Baby." I looked up a Felix as he spoke. "Everything is going to be fine I promise." He flashed that beautiful smile at me.

I just wanted to jump out of bed and kiss him all over. Damn that boy and his charm.

All I remember was Felix's smile.

I may have fallen asleep again.

Sorry it's been so long! I haven't had any inspiration for a while! It sucks! ANYWAY! Let me know how this story is going and if you like it so far.

Poor Kaiden. What a tough time :C


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