Chapter 13

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Felix's POV

My poor baby, he looks so out of it. I squeezed his hand as he slept and went to get his mum.

"Kaiden is asleep again, I'm going to go home. Please call me if he needs anything or if you get test results, even during school times. I will get here as fast as I can." I smiled and gave his mum a hug.

"Thanks Felix. I'm sure it'll mean a lot to him. You're a great kid. Your parent's must be proud." She smiled back and I turned away to leave.

I waited in the dark at the bus stop for a bus (Obviously) and I saw dad. He was with someone. A lady. But this lady wasn't my mother. I watched them both go to his car, he kissed her on the cheek as he held the car door open for her.

What a prick. Who does he think he is. I sent a message to mum letting her know I was catching the bus home and to let her know that I needed to talk to her as soon as I get back.

Less then a minute later I got one back asking if everything was okay. I told her things we're fine but maybe not fer her.

The drive home was quick, the whole time I had both Kaiden on my mind and Dad with that woman. Just wait til he gets home, and I'm sure he is tonight. I am going to speak to them seperately and then together. I rubbed my hands together and thought *Lecture time*

I burst in the front door and mum was sitting on the couch cuddled up to dad.

"Good! Just the man I wanted to see you prick!" I said raising my voice.

"FELIX! Don't speak to you're father like that! Apologize imediately!" Mum said furiously!

"No mum! I wont apologize to the sleeze bag I call my "father" if anything he should apologize to you!"

"Excuse me?" She asked confused and look back and forth between me and dad.

"Yeah you heard me. This "father" of mine hasn't been on a business trip at all! He's been with another woman!"

"Felix, you're being obsurd. Why would I cheat on your mother?" Dad asked looking innocent.

"Oh don't play stupid. I saw you with that blonde bimbo tonight when I was waiting at the bus stop near the hospital! I know what you and your car looks like!"

Mum's eyes widened as dad and I bickered.

"Mum I am not staying here with him in this house tonight! I'm calling Kaiden and I'm going to stay with him for a while!"

I ran upstairs and rand Kaidens mum.

Ring. Ring. Ring.


"Hey, it's Felix, can I speak to kaiden for a second, it's urgent!"

"Um sure, hang on." I heard Kaiden and his mum swapping the phone


"Kaiden! It's Felix, do you know if you're dad has moved down here yet?"

"Not yet, why?"

"Damn it. I need somewhere to stay tonight. I'm coming back to the hospital with my stuff, I'm staying with you. I'll be there in a flash."


I ran upstairs, grabbed a heap of clothes without looking at what it was and threw them into a bag, grabbed my backpack for school and ran out the door.

"Wait Felix."

I turned around to see dad standing in the doorway.

"I don't want to hear it dad!"

"Seriously Felix, wait. I'm sorry! I didn't know you were there!"

"Don't say sorry to me! Say sorry to mum! What did she do to deserve this! You're an asshole! Go to hell!" And with that I ran to my bike and made my way to the hospital.

It took longer then expected to get there because I had to continuously stop to dry my eyes. Stupid dad! Mum deserves so much better! How could he! I peddled faster to see if that would help but it wouldn't. I ended up falling off my bike and grazing my knee. Thankfully I was out the front of the hospital.

I ran to Kaidens room with my stuff and as I made it into the door my legs gave out. I collapsed in the middle of the room and just cried there. I've given up.

Sorry it's short! But I'm writing like crazy tonight! Go me! *Raves*

Just thought I'd let you all know I have a really bad butt cramp. C:


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