Chapter 7.

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Felix POV.

I'm starting to think this zoo trip was actually a really good idea. I was alone with Kaiden, I've been wanting this for a couple days, and here I am about to kiss him.

I pressed my lips to his, cupping his face in my hands and it was like kissing a marshmallow. They were so soft and left you wanting more. The tingles it shot through me were amazing, I felt him smile as I kissed him. I traced his lips with my tongue hoping he'll allow me in. I smiled when he did. Our tongues seemed like they were fighting for dominance then slowed down into something more passionate. Then my god damn phone went off. I ignored it because it was a text. I kept kissing him and it kept going off. He frowned when I stopped to see who was bugging me ruining our moment. 

Three text's, I didn't have to check who they were from it was obviously Valerie and Alex, but who was the third? They all said the same thing, except for the last. It was obvious it was Katherine by the time I finished reading. All saying "Where are you? Do you know where Kaiden is?" Katherine added "Don't make me snap my jaws" to hers probably making it obvious to me who it was. I looked up at Kaiden who was smiling and twiddling his thumbs. I wanted to kiss him again, but I didn't want it to be too much.

I put my phone away and layed back next to him, putting my head on his chest. It was nice listening to his heartbeat.

"Kaiden. I know where I am now. I know I want to be with you." I spoke looking up at him, my head not leaving his chest. All he did was smiled. Why is he being so quiet? I wish I knew what he was thinking. As if he read my mind he started speaking. I didn't hear what he said, I was too focused on how his voice sounded.

"... So yeah.." He finished.

I looked up at him again. "Sorry what did you say? I spaced out."

He rolled his eyes. " I really want to be with you Felix. I've wanted to for a few days now. But if we were to be boyfriends, we'd have to keep it quiet. I'm afraid mum will disown me if she finds out.." He said looking away.

"She doesn't know? Wow, if you ever want to tell her, I will be by your side the whole time. I promise." I smiled at him moving his face so that he could look at me. "If anything happens I am always here for you, no matter what. And if anything happens between the two of you, you can come stay with me, I'm sure mum will allow it. Actually no, I'm positive she will." I kissed him lightly again and we both sat up.

He gave me a big hug and thanked me constantly. but stopped as he saw something. I folowed his eyes and saw Katherine running towards us, snapping her jaws. Yep definitely a nut job. I hid behind Kaiden just in case she decided to bite my limbs off.  She laughed at me as I tried to hide and chased me as I got up to run away from her.

"Get away you crazy lady!" I yelled behind me

"Aw heeeeell naaw!" She clicked her fingers "You did NOT just call me crazy!" She started running faster and I was getting puffed out. She chased me around a tree 5 times before I ran back to where Kaiden was. Alex was sitting with him there along with Val.

"Help me you noodles!" I yelled at them shaking my fist. They just laughed.

I jumped over them and so did Katherine, she just doesn't give up!

"Okay okay! I give up! Snap all you want!" I said falling to the ground pretending to wave a flag. She stood above me and snapped a bit more before walking off laughing to sit with the rest.

I couldn't be bothered getting back up so I dragged myself back to them. It looked like I was a octopus doing an army crawl, arms and legs going everywhere. I could hear laughing, not only was it my silly group of friends, but it was also the people surrounding us. I gave up, got up and ran back to our spot skidding and almost falling on top of Alex.

Under the Oak Tree. BoyxBoyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat