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K/N: Sedecim = 16


To say that Harry Edward Styles was ill prepared for this situation would have been a complete and utter understatement.

Harry Edwards Styles, in other words, was completely and utterly fucked.

"What do you mean there are vampires on the train? They look like normal people to me," Harry responded.

"Harry, an undercover Librarian sold tickets to vampires this morning at seven. If you don't believe me then try to find their reflection in the window," Juliet responded.

Harry followed her orders and cautiously took in his surroundings. He looked at one of the passengers who were asleep in their seat. The man looked at the window to find that the passenger in that seat did not have a reflection in the mirror. He looked at the other people on the train (busy checking their social media or talking to someone on the phone) and also found that they did not have reflections and they were all drinking a red substance.

In other words, Juliet was right and he needed to get the fuck out of there quick.

"Well, what should I do? How do I get off a train without dying in the process?" He whispered into the phone.

"Just pretend you either going to the bathroom or that you lost money or something. Head back to the caboose of the train and jump off to the side," Juliet explained. "Be careful Harry, some vampires can read minds and they might be listening to this conversation."

Harry kept his headphones plugged in and began to get up, but then-

"What about my luggage?!"

"Harry, what's more, important right now- your life or your luggage?"

"They have my phone chargers and my laptop in there! And my makeup!" Harry whined.

"We'll worry about that after! Now get off the freaking the train!"

Harry whined before, grabbing his bag, getting up and began strolling along to the caboose. Praying that he wouldn't get asked what he was doing or had to socialize with other people. As he made his way towards the back, he had begun to notice the other vampires on were either on their phones or fast asleep.

So far everything was going rather smoothly.

Well, it was until he got to the second to last train car.

"Excuse me, sir, is there something I can help you with?" The train conductor asked.

Harry breathed before he responded, "Just need to get some fresh air is all."

The train conductor nodded before letting Harry get on his way. When Harry finally reached the caboose, he managed to let out a breath he didn't even realize he was holding in. He looked to his left and his right to find that trees and nature thankfully surrounded him.

The curly-headed cross-dresser was terrified of what he was about to do. He never imagined himself jumping off a train full of vampires. Then again he never imagined himself actually going outside for that matter.

He looked behind him to find that the vampire was distracted as well as the other vampires thankfully.

Well, here goes nothing, Harry thought to himself.


K/N: Short filler chapter for now.

Well, I have good news:

a. I turned 19 on Tuesday

b. I'm working on a Ziam short story

c. I'm working on my first Phanfic

d. I've been making funny and interesting videos on my YouTube Channel (Katty Everdeen if you're wondering)

I'll try to update more this month. I created an upload and update schedule in my planner for this month for this story and for my youtube channel so keep an eye out!

Other than that, missed me? - Katty<3

Unpredictable [Tomlinson Triplets & Harry Styles] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now