29 2 2

My fridge is full, and so is my stomach. The boys paid for a good portion of the groceries, so I didn't blink twice while grabbing four jumbo bags of Doritos off the shelf at the store, which we absolutely needed.

"The Galaxy 01 season 2 finale re-run is on right now." Colt stopped in his tracks while bringing in the groceries, causing the whole line of grocery carriers behind him to run into eachother.

"Awh, come on man!" Kyle looked down at the egg carton dropped in the driveway. Those where cracked for sure.

In the kitchen, I grabbed a handful of Spaghetti O's cans then opened up the kitchen cabinet with the toe of my converse. 

"Boo!" Colt jumpscared me from the inside of the empty cabinet. I jumped back and squealed, flailing my arms in panic. He squeezed himself in my cabinet to scare me and make me drop cans of Spaghetti O's. 

I somehow live in a fraternity house without entering college or being a guy.

Ace laughed his lungs out in the background so I glared at him. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. 

Colt just giggled, "We're just horsing around." Oh that's funny, because you're a horse, Colt.

"Hey wanna watch the Galaxy episode with me?" he smiled apologetically as he picked up the cans and stacked them into the cabinet for me.

"I don't know." I tucked my hair behind my ear looking away. 

"Sounds like a yes to me." He pulled my hand, used his other hand to swoop in and snatch the bag of nacho cheese Doritos Cody was eating. 


"Sorry we need these for optimum Galaxy 01 viewing enjoyment!" He behind his shoulder, in my ear.

Colt and I made ourselves comfortable on the couch, licking Dorito dust off our fingers while watching Galaxy 01. I think I've become quite attached to this boy. It's nice to have another fan girl in the house. Er, fan boy.

"Run bitch, run!" Colt yelled at the TV as The Professor ran out of a labyrinth with a boulder rolling after him, Indiana Jones style.

Colt stood up from the couch, the stray Doritos on his lap tumbled onto the ground as he continued to howl. "Professor!"

I laughed then jumped up and down on the leather couch and cheered on as well. And thanks to our shouts of encouragement, The Professor escaped the labyrinth safely.

We high fived then sat back down and watched the rest of the episode, but before we could, Colt's stomach rumbled.

"We have three more bags of Doritos in the kitchen." I smiled then loudly crumpled the first empty Dorito bag into a ball.

"I think my stomach wants real food." Colt giggled then stood on the couch. "To the kitchen!" He jumped off the couch.

I've never had so much fun watching TV. Colt just made it that more exciting, I've never been this loud either.... I guess it's just been awhile since I had so much fun.

I followed him, almost tripping over the arm rest, then ended up in the kitchen..... watching Ace fart... into a cell phone....

"Why did you even call me-"

Ace grabbed the phone then farted into the speaker once more.

"I don't know what you just did, but that sounded disgusting." The phone scolded.

Kyle who was watching from a distance, covered a smile with a hand, but Ace laughed proudly.

The voice on the phone sounded very familiar though, "Alex?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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