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I was up all night looking for that thing. But no luck. The boys helped a bit, but Ace ended up 'searching' in the fridge, and Cody slept on the ground, probably collapsed because of all the energy we drained out of him from the previous consecutive games of hide and seek.

I couldn't believe we couldn't find it. We were up until four in the morning with no trace of the thing.
Well, I think I was the only person actually trying to look. But everyone lazily helped look around for my precious.

It's now Sunday morning, and the boys have gone to deal with something about their house. But I'm searching for my Plasma gun non stop.

I will find it.

I was carrying my bowl of corn flakes around with me as I checked between bookshelves, in the microwave, and under the couch cushions.

"Hey, what do you think about the boys living here?" I heard my mom talk to someone in the kitchen.

"I think it's lovely, also, I feel good housing these homeless boys." Stacy grinned, even though they wern't exactly homeless. More like half homeless.

"I don't know... They are boys after all." My dad said while in deep thought.

"What? You wanted to keep all the women to yourself?" My mom teased.

"Hey, you're all mine snugglemuffins." My dad smiled nuzzling my mom. Yuck.

I gagged loudly to make my presence prominent. "Well I don't like them, I hope they leave soon. They're just so.... acck!" I made a fist.

Stacy laughed, "Acck?"

"Yep," I nodded, "Acck exactly. Ace, Colt, Cody, Kyle."

"Then I guess we can all agree they're acck." Stacy smiled. "Anyways, did you find your toy yet?"

"It is not a toy!" I stomped my foot, a bit childishly, "It's a replica of The Professor's plasma gun. The one he kept under his lab coat secretly until the aliens took over the ship! It's signed by the actor, and it also serves as a laser pointer with sound affects." I stated matter of factly. "But no, I did not find it." I hung my head.

"Sorry about that. Maybe we can get a sword signed by Adventurer Zack?" My dad offered.

"His name is Adventurer Zark," I corrected, "but no, it's fine, I'm okay. I'm just bummed out. It really couldn't have got up and walked away....."

"Just try to take your mind off of it." Stacy suggested.

Finishing my cereal, I tried to think of something else. But everything led up to Galaxy 01, because that's basically my life.

I went upstairs to my room, then went online to see if any plasma guns were for sale. It took me forever to find just two for sale on eBay. But they wern't signed. Of course.

I went on my Blog and started ranting, blowing of steam in the process.

It was one of a kind. It couldn't be found anywhere. It was my prized possession, but now it has disappeared. I'm really upset, I looked everywhere. I just can't find it.
RIP Plasma Gun March 11, 2012 - October 27, 2015

It didn't take long for people to respond. My profile picture was me pointing the plasma gun at the camera.

Needles626  - You LOST your plasma gun? How can you lose something like that?!?!

Luck_y - I don't know. It just disappeared. :(

Needles626 - Maybe someone borrowed it?

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