Some Things Just Don't Work Out-22

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Jisoo: We broke it off.

I'm so sorry Jisoo, how are you feeling? :Sana

Jisoo: I'm fine, it wasn't really serious or anything, we had only been together for a few months

We both know that it was a serious relationship even though it didn't last very long. I'm gonna head over to your apartment with ice cream and we're gonna talk everything through, alright? :Sana

Jisoo: Okay

I'll be there in about 10 minutes. See you then! :Sana

Jisoo: See ya


"We broke up." Jennie says quietly through the phone.

"Why?!" Lisa asks worriedly.

"Because of Irene."

"What do you mean, 'because of Irene' what does Irene have to do with this?"

"When she kissed me. Someone was there and they took pictures. Then it showed up in some article Jisoo came across. She was mad that I didn't tell her what happened."

"I'm sorry Unnie, I know how much you liked her. Tell you what, give Chaeyoung and I about half an hour, then we'll be at your place to check on how you're doing."

"Alright, see you then."


"Jisoo Unnie?" Sana calls as she walks through the door.

Jisoo is in her living room, staring blankly at a wall, not doing anything.

"Jisoo Unnie, I brought ice cream."


"How are you feeling?

"Not good."

"Do you wanna talk?"

"I can't even string together proper sentences right now."

"Eat the ice cream, it helps." Sana says, handing Jisoo the tub of ice cream and a spoon.

After a while, Jisoo finally speaks up.

"I trusted her. And I thought she would trust me enough to tell me something like that. I don't even care that Jennie kissed Irene, or Irene kissed Jennie, or whatever. It just hurts that she didn't feel as if she could tell me.  I truly trusted that she wouldn't do something like this"

"I know you did." Sana frowns, rubbing circles on Jisoo's back.

"God, how could I have been so stupid? I should've known it was too good to be true."

"It wasn't stupid, by the way you talked about her it sounded like she really liked you too, but sometimes, it just doesn't work out in the end."

"She's the first person I've ever loved. When I dated guys, it was just weird, and I felt awkward doing it. But with Jennie, it was like, 'Oh, so this is what all the hype around love is. Yeah, this is what love feels like.' I'd never felt that before. But here I am, more hurt than I've ever been before. It's crazy how just last night we were arguing about whether or not our goodnight kisses were good enough. Yet here I am now."

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we take you out tonight, to get your mind off of things. It's just gonna get worse if you sit here and dwell on everything." Sana suggests.

Jisoo just solemnly nods her head, making Sana clap joyfully.

"Great! I'll be right back so we can get ready together!"

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