But You're So Beautiful-16

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 "Hey Bobby, why the long face?" Jisoo asks an upset Bobby as he walks out of Jennie's office.

"Nothing, it's just contract troubles."

"What's your problem? Maybe I can help you by convincing Jennie."

"Alright." Bobby sighs. "You know that I like you right? And not just in a friend type-of way."

"I mean, I've heard some stuff."

"Well, I thought that maybe you liked me too and everything, so I wanted to ask her if we could have our contracts altered, you know? But she said no." Bobby says with a disappointed face.

"Oh, uh, I don't uh, l-like you in t-that way."

"Huh, I guess I won't be needing a contract alteration after all. I'll see you around Jisoo." Bobby says, disappointedly walking away.

"Jisoo, come into my office now please." Jennie says through the intercom on Jisoo's desk.

"Yes, I'll be right in."

Jisoo walks in Jennie's office to see her sitting behind her desk calmly, yet with a certain edge to her.

"Hey." Jisoo says quietly.

"Did you talk to Bobby?" Jennie asks.


"Did he tell you about what he asked me?"

"Yes. I think."

"You don't actually, have feelings for him, right?"

"Of course not." Jisoo sighs, walking over to grab Jennie's hand. "Why would you think that?"

"Bobby said you did." Jennie mumbles.

"And you actually believed him?"

"Well- yeah."

"You're cute when you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous!" Jennie protests.

"Yes you are! You only get this possessive and paranoid when you're jealous. Remember that one time we were at the park, those teenage boys kept looking at me and you thought that I might take an interest in one of them."

Jennie pouts causing Jisoo to chuckle and bend down so that they're eye level. Jisoo wraps her arms around Jennie's neck, engulfing her in a big hug.

"You're stuck with my jealous ass." Jennie mumbles into Jisoo's shoulder.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Jisoo says, pulling away from Jennie.

Jennie cups Jisoo's cheeks in her hands, pulling their faces together and slowly leans into Jisoo's lips, feeling the warm tingling sensation she gets anytime she and Jisoo touch.

"Jennie Unnie- OH MY GOD." Lisa screams, walking into Jennie's office.

Jisoo quickly pushes Jennie away causing Jennie and her rolly chair to crash straight into the wall.

"Jennie are you okay?" Jisoo asks, frantically running over to Jennie.

Lisa smirks watching the scene unfold in front of her. This is quite possibly the most entertaining thing she's seen all week.

"Did I interrupt something?" Lisa asks innocently.

Jennie glares at Lisa who is really trying her best to contain all her laughter.

"Are you okay?" Jisoo asks worriedly, turning Jennie's face to face her.

"Yeah I'm fine." Jennie smiles, looking at Jisoo.

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