Taehyung then said the line that made Jimin so angry, and suddenly so determined to call Y/N. 

  "I bet you, you'll never ask her out on a date. For your whole entire life." 

 Jimin glared. He had enough of his stupid best friend's bickering. 

"Alright fine, I'll call her!" 

Taehyung smiled. "Good, put it on speaker in case I got to speak up for you. I can do my special Park Jimin voice." 

"... I'll do it myself. I don't want to know... what that voice is." 

Taehyung gave him a look. "Ya sure?" 😏


Taehyung did a happy cheer dance in his head. He's gonna ring her up. God damn finally, he had this crush forever. Time to make it more than a crush. 

Jimin nervously picked up his phone and went into his contacts. Is he really gonna do this? Well he has too... or else Taehyung isn't gonna shut up about him being a pansy. 

And... Jimin felt a sudden urge to try. So he nervously pressed the call button and ringed her up. Taehyung pressed the speaker button for Jimin, as Jimin groaned. 

"I regret this already." 

"C'mon my hyung, you got this." 

"I guess..." 

The call was answered. Here came the sweet melodic voice of Y/N, the girl who makes Jimin stop and stare to watch her walk gracefully out of the gates of school. 

"Hello? Jiminie?" 

Nervous sweat came across Jimin's brow. 

"A-ah, hi Y/N!"

"Hey! What's up? You usually don't call me, we usually text. Something wrong?" 

"No, nothing is wrong... I just wanted to ask you something." 

Jimin was screaming in his head. "WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING?!" 

"Okay, I'm listening. What's up?" 

He gulped, and made some eye contact with Taehyung. Taehyung gave a big smile of encouragement, and Jimin gulped again and finally spilled what he had wanted for months. 

"I... actually really like you, and I was hoping if you would want to go out sometime. For a d-date. Are you down for it?" 

Jimin kept screaming in his head. "I DIED, I'M DEAD, NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Poor boy wasn't okay. 

There was silence on the other end. Jimin already knew it, he fucked shit up. Thanks a lot Taehyung. 

Until she responded. "Wow, I didn't expect that coming from a charming boy like Jiminie." 

He blushed. "She called me charming wtf?" 

She laughed. "Ah of course Jimin. I would love to go on a date with you. I... actually really like you too, and for a while I wanted to be more than friends with you." 

Jimin is deceased after hearing that. 


She chuckled. "Of course. You manage to make my heart flutter everyday." 

More shookness for Jimin. He was pretty Jungshook right now. 

"Wow... same goes for me." 

"Really? Haha, we're both even. So what time? Date? Where?" 

"Umm... I'm not sure on where, but for now... I'll pick you up at 2pm on... this Saturday? A-are you free?" 

She 'hmmm'ed. "Ah, yes I am free that day. I'll put it in my calendar. Remember, my favorite food is meat!" She laughed again. 

(a/n: sorry if you're a vegan btw, just pretend she said veggies if you prefer that) 

Jimin laughed too, smiling. Her cute voice made him feel comfortable. 

"Of course, I remember. I'll make sure you have the best time of your life that day, okay?" 

Y/N blushed hearing these words, hugging her EXO Sehun plushie hard. She smiled, happy to know that her crush liked her back. She thought of a one sided love happening in her life, with Jimin. The charming, handsome, kind boy. 

She responded. "Oh, I can believe that. I know you will make sure of that." 

He smiled, hearing her words. "I'll make sure it will be a hundred percent true."

The call ended with their goodbyes, leaving them to think of what just happened. You jumped around your room, excited and happy. She sang happy songs and screamed. 

"I'm going on a date mom!" You shouted in excitement to your mother who came to your room to check on what the fuck just happened to you. 

She sighed and smiled. "My girl has grown up. Have fun on that day. Use protection!" Your mother gave you a nasty wink. 😏

This resulted from a glare and shout from you. "MOM IT'S JUST THE FIRST DATE!" 

As Jimin ended the call, Taehyung started laughing and slapping his back. 

Taehyung watched and heard the whole entire call, not surprised by the outcome. 

"Who doesn't like Park Jimin for god sake, he was a ladies' man even back in middle school." 

"See, I told you! You got a date!" Taehyung cheered.

Jimin blushed, smiling.

"Yes yes, I see. Thank you Taehyung-ah." 

"No problem, see you needed my help!" Taehyung gave him a thumbs up. 

Jimin happily jumped in joy in his head. A date with his love-


Jimin slapped his annoying best friend on the back hard, trying to shut him up. 

"Aish... YAH! So immature! I was so happy until you sang that song!" 


taehyung is literally my friends when it comes to my crush lol. thanks for reading! this chapter was really fun to write ^^ bye ~ 

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