5 | Rules

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The two men left almost as quickly as they came, going back further inside the house, a part that I was unfamiliar with, and I hoped it stayed that way. I didn't want to be here long enough to familiarize myself with this place, and I hoped I wouldn't discover anymore... rooms like the one I was trapped in for three days.

"I um, wrote the rules down when I first got here. Just let me find them." Darius said as he scrambled around the kitchen, trying to find the paper. I thought it was strange to keep it in the kitchen, but I didn't question him when he pulled it out of one of the cabinets, a victorious smile on his face. I sat back down at the counter as he slid the paper in front of me, and began reading over it. "Some of them seem ridiculous, but you don't want to break any of them." He muttered quietly, and I saw him trace his stubs.

1) address them both as master

2) don't make eye contact with them, always keep your gaze lowered unless they tell you otherwise

3) don't complain or whine, but begging is okay

4) do what they tell you to do the first time (don't make them repeat themselves)

5) don't do things without their permission

6) never enter a room with a door without their permission

7) never lie

8) don't speak unless spoken to (never yell)

9) take it silently

10) never say no

I looked at the rules for a long time. All of them were ridiculous, and I didn't want to live like this. I could feel the anger building in the pit of my stomach, but I knew better than to show it. Darius, seeming to notice, placed one of his hands on mine and when I looked up at him, he gave me a knowing look. Had he been mad when he heard the rules the first time?

"I know they seem stupid, but they all have severe consequences." He said, and I subconsciously glanced down at his injured hand. I hadn't meant to, but he looked down as well and sighed. "My pinky is because I yelled, and my ring finger is because I lied and told them no." He explained, and I was shocked. 

They actually wanted us to follow these rules? They were crazy. Truly monsters. Still, what was I supposed to do? Ezra, who was the smaller of the two was still much stronger than me, and the stranger (who I was beginning to believe was Rocco) had arms the size of pythons. Just the thought of either of those things coming at me made me shudder.

"Also, kneeling by their desk in the office whilst they're there is a way to earn good boy points. They'll go easier on you for punishments if you do it." He explained and I inwardly cringed, good boy points? Once again he seemed to read my mind and nodded his head. 

"That's what they call it, but it usually just helps you get out of harsher punishments. They don't actually keep score or anything, and half the time it probably doesn't work. But, if it does, begging is also a good way to earn them." He said, as he bit his lip. So it really was the more humiliating the better? Did they get off on this or something? I mentally scolded myself for thinking that, of course they did, we wouldn't have to call them master otherwise.

Darius had talked about leaving earlier when we were still in the basement, and I wondered if he still remembered. I know I did, and I just hoped that Darius would think of a plan soon, I would even help him if he needed it.

"Do you have any questions?" He asked, and it was then that I realized I had been quiet for quite awhile. I thought about it, the rules were pretty self explanatory, and the only question I had about it weren't actually questions because deep down, I knew the answers. 

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