Part 2 The First Race

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Y/N looked around for SAO survivors, because they would know what to do in this situation. That search lead her all the way back to Kirito. Then she remembered that her brother had mentioned him before "Kirito, the man who beat the game, and freed us all." That's what he told her, but she never expected him to look just like how her brother described him.

He looked like your average teenager, black hair, not too skinny or overweight, and covered in mostly black. She tried to speak to him, but nothing was coming out of her mouth. Then she tried screaming, and a little whisper came from her mouth asking "are you the real one, the real Kirito?"

He looked at her, and said "I can't hear you. what did you ask?" Again, but louder she asked "are you the real Kirito, the one that saved SAO." He put his head down, and sighed "most people would have immediately called me out for a fake name, but you actually asked. So I'll tell you, yes I am, but don't expect me to cause another miracle."

A siren started to go off, and all of the people were teleported to some stands as two people got ready to start a race. They both looked like friends and did some kind of secret handshake before getting on their bikes. A road started to form all the way outside the stage.

It was in an oval, and looked like the average NASCAR track. They revved their engines and a hologram of some kind of sexy alien girl appeared, and put up 2 checkered flags. Then, once the checkered flags were shoved down, they were off, and made their way around the course.

One of them had a cooler looking, and faster bike, while the other had a gun on his side. The one with the faster bike was about to make it all the way around the course, and win, but the racer with the gun shot him in the ribs, and made him flip his bike.

He face planted, and crashed his bike. The other racer sped past him and crossed the finish line. He won, and gained 2000 GC as well as 2000 exp. That put him up to level 2, making him the 2nd highest level player in the game.

After the race Y/N heard someone call out "Solo, hey Solo. Solo Survivor are you there?" She turned around to see Kirito calling her from the top of the bleachers. Y/N made her way up to him, and he told her "if it takes you that long to remember your name you might as well have just chose your real one."

Y/N tried to laugh it off, and said "if you want to call me Y/N that would be a lot better, for both of us." "I can't believe I have to look out for another girl in a game." Kirito whispered to himself. Y/N asked "what other girls?"

Kirito didn't want to deal with something that would take forever to explain. So he just said "follow me let's go get you something from the store. Oh, right, how much GC do you have." Y/N opened her menu, and said "5000, just like every one else who starts from scratch."

Kirito then opened his menu, and showed her his GC. "2 million! How can anyone get that much?" Y/N screamed. Kirito then told her "well since I transferred my character from another game the currency came with it, but my character looks different from the other game."

They made it to the market and looked at different weapons, and vehicles. Y/N only had enough for the gun, or the vehicle that she saw before. She went with the bike, and met up with Kirito.

Kirito had bought a very fast bike, a long blunt sword called 'The Tripper', and a new suit that looked suspiciously like a slimmer version of his SAO black coat. Y/N was surprised, and said "you could probably ride with the best now." Kirito then smiled, and said "let's test that theory, first with you, then with that bastard that trapped us here, with a few others in the middle."

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