Chapter 25

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Harry fumbled for his wand as flames licked at the thick wooden beam supporting the small patch of roof above them. Professor McGonagall found hers first and deftly quelled the flames. Within seconds, a second fire started, this one spreading up from the doorway they had entered from.

"Death Eaters," Karkaroff said with little emotion.

Still queasy from freeing both Karkaroff and Severus from Voldemort's attack, Harry forced himself to focus on the task at hand. He pulled his wand out and helped McGonagall beat back the flames.

"We need to get out of here. Can you make a Portkey, Professor?"

"Watch for fires," she responded, picking up a loose stone. "Portus." Harry grabbed Severus and Karkaroff's hands and nodded to the woman. She placed her hand on Harry's arm. Nothing happened. "It should have activated. This place must be warded."

"It was not when we arrived," Karkaroff growled.

"Then we fight," Harry said simply. "But we'll never survive in here trying to put out fires."

"Can you two walk?" McGonagall asked the former Death Eaters.

"I can if I have to," Severus replied. "But I am in no condition to outrun anyone. Harry can levitate Karkaroff while you protect them, Minerva. The wards surely do not extend more than a few hundred feet."

"And leave you here?" Harry asked. "You know that's not an option. I'll go out and fight. My cloak gives me an edge. Professor McGonagall can stay and make sure they don't burn the cabin down around you." Harry went to sweep the cloak about his shoulders when his professor stopped him.

"I cannot allow that, Harry," she said. "You will stay here. I will try to lead them away."

"I'm at my best when I'm attacking," Harry argued. "And they'll never follow you anyway. Not if they think they have two traitors in here. I'm the only target they'll like better than those two." He looked to Severus, hoping the man would see that his plan was the only that could work.

"As much as I hate to say it, Potter is right. Unless the Dark Lord's inner circle is out there, he can handle it. And his training has not focused on guarding others."

Not giving her a chance to argue, Harry stepped from McGonagall's grasp and donned his cloak. "If I can lead them away, I'll activate my bracelet. If any of them get inside, Severus can use his ring."

Outside, nothing stirred in the small clearing surrounding the cabin. Harry picked his course carefully, trying not to disturb any of the tall grass that grew in patches. When a ball of fire flew from a nearby tree to strike the building, he trusted to the others to handle the fire and instead focused on the source of the spell.

There, Harry thought, spotting the flutter of robes beneath a fir's limbs. But how many? Silently, Harry circled his prey, wary of other wizards hiding in the forest. As he neared, he spotted a second person crouched next to the first. Both faced the cabin, and the fir tree's branches protected them from behind. He crept closer, unnerved by their gaze directed through him to their captured enemies. As he neared, he was forced to put his entire body between them and the cabin. Branches and leaves guarded the path, and a step to either side would alert them to his presence. Another fireball spell cast now would catch him square in the chest.

Wishing he knew if these two were the only wizards about, Harry decided that a spell would be too dangerous, as he could not cast without exposing his wand hand at least. He opted, instead, for a more Slytherin tactic. Stopping several feet in front of the pair, Harry ran his fingers along his potions belt, seeking a large bottle and its attached vial. Pulling it free, he uncorked the vial and drank its contents. Bitter, nearly noxious, the fluid made him gag. He wasted no time removing the large lid from the other bottle. The liquid inside evaporated immediately as Harry felt the reassuring tug of the wind at his back. He smelled nothing, nor did he expect to, but within seconds the two wizards in front of him slumped to the ground. Harry knew the gaseous potion would keep the pair unconscious for well over an hour.

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