Chapter 4

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As he began removing Snape from his memory, Harry had been unsure how he would feel after the morning's Occlumency practice. Now, two hours later, with memories returned and Snape heading to his quarters, Harry still was not sure how he felt. He left the library to find Ron and Hermione, hoping Hermione would forget about the morning's quarrel so he could discuss what had happened. He could not tell them everything, of course, but he was confused about the Potions Master and needed someone to talk to. Hogwarts's brightest student did give good advice when asked, after all, though Harry was getting fed up with Hermione's penchant for giving advice that was unwanted and unneeded.

He found Ron, Hermione and Ginny in the girls' room, heads together in quiet conversation. Hermione looked frustrated.

"Well, Harry," Hermione said as the young wizard entered, "you'll be happy to know we didn't get the chance to learn anything from Hagrid. He left almost as soon as you stormed out of the kitchen. But we'll get him when he comes back. I don't know why you're so willing to be left in the dark, but eventually you'll be glad that I'm here to find out what's happening. Trust me."

Harry kept silent, realizing he'd been doing a lot of that lately. Hermione must have mistaken his silence for agreement, or at least acquiescence, and let the subject go. After a few moments, Harry was just about to bring up Snape when Mrs. Weasley interrupted the group.

"Ron, Hermione, I just received an owl from Neville's grandmother. She's invited you both to visit Neville. She asked for Harry to come, too, of course, but it's far too dangerous for him to leave here until Professor Snape's satisfied with his progress."

Aside from the fact that Snape would likely never be satisfied with anything Harry did, nothing about what Mrs. Weasley said rang true, and even her cheerful smile seemed a bit too cheerful. Even Ginny, who did not know Neville's grandmother as well as the others, seemed skeptical.

"The Grangers agreed, so I told her you'd both love to go. I'm sure Neville would enjoy some company, and after his help last month he's certainly earned it. Headmaster Dumbledore thinks it's safe enough, as you'll be out of the way, and I'll be having the clock brought from the Burrow so we can keep an eye on Ron at least. We'll leave as soon as you've packed for the week." Leaving no time for anyone to argue or question her, Mrs. Weasley stepped from the room.

"What was that all about?" Ron asked the question they had all been thinking.

"Isn't it obvious?" Hermione asked in reply. "They're trying to keep us apart. It didn't take them long to realize they can't hide anything from us. They're probably worried we'll get Harry into some kind of trouble." She rolled her eyes. Hermione was right, of course, and they all knew it. Most likely, Mrs. Weasley had written to Mrs. Longbottom. Harry could not imagine that overbearing woman inviting anyone over.

"Well, you have to go," Harry said. While he may be annoyed with Hermione lately, he did not want to see his two best friends leaving for a week without him. Sure, Ginny would still be here, but that was different. Ron looked like he was about to argue. "It doesn't matter why they're sending you away, Ron, your mum's right. We never would have made it out of there that night without Neville, even though he probably wouldn't believe that. He shouldn't be alone with his grandmother all summer if we can help it."

"Easy for you to say, Harry, you don't have to go. Who knows what kinds of exciting things will happen while we're gone?"

"Like summer school with Snape?" Harry asked and chuckled.

"I think I'd prefer that than a week with Longbottom's gran."

"But is it really safe?" Ginny asked.

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