Chapter 3

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Leaving Remus to rest, Harry spent the rest of the morning trying to find out what Tonks had been up to the night before. He had no success, of course, as only Mr. Weasley and Hagrid remained in the mansion. Mr. Weasley refused to give any details, and Hagrid was in the dark about the whole mission.

"But Hagrid, you must know something about what happened. You were out looking for Remus, surely you knew where he'd been," Harry said.

"Well, urm, I s'pose I mighta 'eard som'in' 'bout where Tonks'd gotten 'erself inter trouble," Hagrid replied. "But I tole every'un I wouldnae tell ya, 'Arry."

Harry let it go, knowing he just needed to get the giant distracted enough later on and he would know everything Hagrid did about what went on last night. He spent the rest of the afternoon combing through the spell books in the library for interesting looking hexes as his mind wandered over the events of the past day.

The details of Tonks's and Remus's adventure the night before, he knew, were likely of no real importance. No more important, at least, than any of the daily threats the members of the Order of the Phoenix faced. But Harry hated being kept in the dark, and besides, he had nothing else to do over the next few months than hound everyone for information. He certainly needed something to do besides Occlumency and potions.

As his mind turned to Snape's abrupt behavior, Harry started worrying about his next Occlumency lesson. The last time the professor had gotten angry at him, he had refused to continue the lessons. Maybe Remus would be taking over for Snape now that the former Defense Against the Dark Arts instructor was safe again, as was the original plan. Harry's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice calling him from downstairs.

"All right, Harry?" Ron must have been shouting from the first floor.

Harry dropped the book he had been flipping through and rushed to greet his friend.

"Ron!" Maybe the day would not be a total waste.

"Hey there, Harry. Mum's brought me and Ginny here for a few days." Harry gave Ginny a smile.

"Hello, Ginny. How's Dean?" Harry remembered the conversation on the train at the end of last term.

"We haven't seen each other since the train, but we've written everyday," Ginny said as a silly smile spread across her face.

"Do we have to talk about this?" Ron asked with a pained look. "Anyway, Harry, Mum said we were to stay here for a bit. Looks like the Order is up to something. Any idea what?"

Harry lead them to his room and closed the door. He explained the events of last night to the pair, only leaving out the details about Snape's sudden departure that morning. Harry had never told Ron about the memory he had seen in the Pensieve. The thought of what Snape would do to him if he did left Harry with no desire to fill his friends in.

"You let Snape go looking for Remus? Why didn't you go with him?" Ron asked.

Harry shook his head and replied, "How? He Disapparated, didn't he? Besides, there wasn't anything I could do." Doesn't Ron remember what happened the last time I tried to rescue someone?

"But Snape?" Ron continued. "Maybe if it was Moody, or anyone else. How'd you know he wasn't going to turn Remus in? Snape hates him. You know that!"

"Then why make the wolfsbane potion for him, Ron? If Snape wanted to hurt Remus, he could."

"Snape's a spiteful git, Harry. He'd turn Remus over to the Death Eaters just for laughs. And Remus was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had. Not to mention that he hates you almost as much as You-Know-Who does, and he knows you like Remus. Seems to me Snape's got a lot of reasons to betray him."

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