Chapter 10

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After a lunch punctuated by gasps brought on by sore muscles, Harry pulled Hermione into the parlor. Things between the two had been strained for days, and while he still worried about the girl's curiosity, he also knew he needed it. He had a theory that only Hermione could help with.

"Feel like some extra homework?" Harry asked with a grin.

Hermione grinned back and sat down. "I knew you were up to something." Her satisfied emphasis on "knew" and "something" grated on Harry.

"I'm always up to something. Don't you read the Daily Prophet?" Hermione laughed, and Harry kept talking, hoping she wouldn't interrupt in another one of her know-it-all tones. "Anyway, I need your help."

"Yes, well..." Hermione said. Of course you need my help. I told you so. Harry filled in the unspoken chide. He gave her credit for not saying it, though.

"I was talking to Snape before about the Dark Mark and my scar, and I think maybe they're more alike than even he realizes. Or Voldemort." Anything in Hermione's posture that had been smug melted as she entered full-on—take-no-prisoners—study-mode.

"What did he say? No, wait." Hermione jumped up and led Harry up to her room where she readied a stack of parchment and row of quills.

"You're taking notes?" Harry laughed. By now, Ron and the rest had sensed something was up and joined them.

"Harry, it's not like there are any books written on the Dark Mark. As mush as anyone can tell, it's a completely unique spell and only he knows how to create it. And since you're the first person to survive a killing curse like that, the few books on that were just speculation. No one could study you or the scar."

"There were books written about my scar?"

"A few. None by any really important wizards. I don't think Dumbledore wanted anyone to figure too much out about it since he knew Voldemort would be coming back. Most of the best theoretical wizards are either loyal to him or Voldemort. And none of his people are going to write a book about it. So none of the books are likely to be very useful."

"You've read all of them?" Neville asked.

Hermione looked insulted by the question. "Of course I have."

"Now, Harry, tell me everything." Harry knew by her tone that it was going to be a long afternoon.

By the time they were called down to dinner, Hermione had recorded everything Snape had told Harry about the Dark Mark as well as everything Harry had experienced about his own scar. As they made their way down the stairs to the kitchen, Ron asked, "Hermione? What exactly do you want to do with that book you just wrote?"

Hermione shrugged. "I don't know, but Harry's got some plan, don't you, Harry?"

"Wait a minute. You just spent hours asking about every tiny little thing you could think of, and you don't even know why?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at the redhead. "Well, it doesn't matter, does it? You can never tell what little bit of information is going to be useful, so it's best to have all of it. We'll figure out what to do with it after dinner."

Everyone quieted as they entered the kitchen. Their sudden silence was greeted with a suspicious glare from Mrs. Weasley.

After dinner, Snape descended upon the kitchen and left a worried Harry in his wake as Hermione was whisked into the parlor. Later, Hermione emerged from the room behind the glowering teacher.

"I trust you understand, Miss Granger, that neither I nor Headmaster Dumbledore will tolerate any disobedience in this matter."

"Of course, Professor," Hermione said in what Harry recognized as her most innocent voice. Harry was still worried.

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