Chapter 17

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To no one's surprise, Rita Skeeter wasted no time and jumped on her assignment. She must have worked through the night, as Luna produced a copy of The Quibbler at breakfast. Harry held the paper up for Snape to see.

"Interesting headline, isn't it, professor?" Snape glanced over at Harry, unimpressed. He held Harry's eye for a moment in a silent rebuke. Harry dropped the paper and Ron quickly picked it up.

"Fudge: Uncaring or Incompetent?" Ron read. "I think it's bloody brilliant."

Hermione nudged Ron and whispered something to him. With a sigh, he too lowered the paper. Despite the necessity of keeping their role in the article a secret, all the students were in the mood to celebrate. The article had called for an investigation into Fudge's administration. Skeeter had gone so far as to suggest that it was Fudge's steadfast refusal to even consider Voldemort's return that had allowed it to happen. Inside the paper was an in-depth account of all the evidence Fudge had dismissed as rumor. Attention was drawn to the fact that the investigation into Umbridge's time as Headmaster had revealed that both Harry and Dumbledore had warned of the Dark Lord's rising. Criticism stopped short of accusing Fudge of supporting Voldemort, but only just barely.

Breakfast was a high-spirited affair.

Dumbledore arrived late for breakfast for the second day in a row. "Good morning, all. Miss Lovegood, it is most excellent to you see you doing well."

"Thank you, Headmaster," she answered.

"It would appear that your..." Dumbledore paused and gazed at the students collected there. "Your father has stirred up a good deal of trouble."

"He does that, yes, sir." Luna smiled shyly.

"I will be absent for the rest of the day. I have been called to the Ministry."

"Headmaster," Harry spoke up. "Do you think people will take the story seriously?"

"I have been informed that The Daily Prophet is picking up the story for the evening edition and will be calling for the Minister's resignation. He will certainly have much to answer for."

Assuming Fudge had few answers to give, Harry was satisfied for the time being. "I suppose he does."

After the meal, Snape asked Harry to stay in the Great Hall as the others left.

"With the term about to begin, I trust you are aware that our usual routine must end," Snape said. "The summer is over, after all. Back to reality, so to speak."

"Oh, yes, sir. I suppose I understand. With all the students around and everything..."

Snape tilted his head with a smirk. Finally, he let out a single low chuckle. "I believe you are mistaken, Harry. I was referring to your lessons. You are doing better than passable work in potions. If you take the time to revise what we did not get to, I think you will discover your understanding will continue to improve. I certainly expect significantly better work from you this term. Combat training will continue in some fashion, though with me or whomever Albus decides upon for Defense remains to be seen. Either way it will not be daily. As for Occlumency, I have taught you as much as I can. You have demonstrated as much control over your bond as I believe is possible. You certainly should be able to shield yourself from the intrusions of last year."

"You can still win through, though," Harry pointed out. "My shields eventually wear out."

"That is inevitable against any wizard of skill and power. Occlumency is no match for Legilemency, at least not in a pitched attack such as I have used against you. To be blunt, if you are restrained long enough to undergo the kind of prolonged mental attacks I staged, then Legilemency will likely not be used. Veritaserum or physical torture is more likely as it does not leave the interrogator as vulnerable. You can protect yourself from the Dark Lord, which is the most important result."

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