Chapter 1

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My name is Butters Scotch. I use to be a high school student at South Park High School. And let's just say, who knew that wearing high heels and a dress was a "faggot" thing to do. It was Halloween at my school and we could dress up as whoever we wanted. So of course, I wanted to be Jessica Rabbit (but not to showy). She was pretty and I thought being her for Halloween would be fine. But I guess not.

"What the fuck are you wearing Butters!?" Said Cartman.

"I'm Jessica Rabbit from-"

"No. What I meant to say is, why the fuck are you wearing that Butters? You look like a trap queen!"

"No Jessica isn't a queen, she's married to Rodger Rabbit. Have you guys even seen the movie, it's a classic?" Cartman and Stan laughed.

"Okay, just stay, farrr away from us okay Butters," said Stan. They walked away into the school once the bell rang and I followed.

"You guys are with the faggot?" Said some random Senior. I think he plays football or something because he had a letterman jacket. This isn't good.

"What? Him?" Said Stan, pointing to me. Stan turned back around and laughed.

I felt my stomach drop. I knew Cartman wasn't the nice one but Stan... Stan was nice to me. I guess I should've known. He literally kicked Kyle out of the group for coming out as gay. They've could've been cute together, if Stan didn't call him names and bullied him.

"What's with the trap shit kid?" Said the random jock.

"It's Halloween. I wanted to dress up," I said, walking backwards ready to run.

"You're in high school now, who dah fuck dresses up anymore, you big ass baby."
He pushed me, but I steady myself so I wouldn't fall. Soon his friends jumped in and pushed me to the ground. Calling me these slurs and names that I hated. I didn't even see Cartman or Stan. They probably didn't want to see what they started.
I then saw the jock about to kick my face. Trying to block it, I covered my face with my arms and waited for the pain that was about to happen. Not feeling anything, I moved my arms away from my face and saw the jock getting beat up by a kid in a orange parka. It was Kenny.

"Stay the fuck off my friend, you Archie looking son of bitches," Said Kenny, punching the main jock that bullied me first.
The jocks ran away and Kenny came over to help me up.

"Are you okay Butters?"
He handed out his hand for me to grab. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. Of course my heels, being the bitches they are, made me trip a little and I was face planted into Kenny's chest. Kenny laughed but my face was red and a bit teary. He could tell I was about to cry.

"Woah hey, are you okay? Did they hurt you anywhere?" He move my head a little to check for any bruises or anything. Even though he was helping me I couldn't help but cry. He wiped away my tears.

"If this make you feel any better? I think you look sexy Scotch."
I blushed at his compliment. He then ruffled my hair and walked away. My face was red and I couldn't really move. He... likes when I'm a girl... I doubt he'll like the real me.

Now I'm an adult. Living in a dorm room with my roommate, looking for love in the world... and a job. I've been out of a job lately and not only that but I'm 29 and still single going to college. It's probably for the best. The guys at my college are nothing like Kenny back in high school. He was sweet and loved me for me. The last guy I was dating got mad because I wore a skirt on our last date. He broke up with me in front of my friends and they just agreed with his decision. "Yeah you shouldn't have worn a skirt, that's probably embarrassing for the both of you." Some friends I have. I guess it's destiny that me and Kenny belong to each other. I wish I knew where he was now so I could keep in touch with him, but for now, it would always be a thought of us being together.

New Kenny X Butters story. Is it bad that people I ship with Kenny is Butters and Craig. Bunny and Crenny is my two favorite ships. If you don't like Crenny it's cool I won't be mad :,). But yeah hope you guys enjoy.
But real quick. It's sad that I have to put a warning in the summary. I'm giving u a warning now to read the summary again because I don't want to deal with another:

It's like, you see the warning but nooooo you continue and then comment that you don't like it and

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It's like, you see the warning but nooooo you continue and then comment that you don't like it and... *breaths* anyways thank you for reading and supporting. Hope you enjoy. Baiiii 🤟🤟🤟
(Luv u in sign language:))

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