Invisible Invasion

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I know and no one else knows.

I know they are already here but no one seems to notice except me.

 I know, because they are the ones who were responsible for the continuous power interruption in the different countries. I know, because they are the one who creates societal issues, economic problems and the branching of the debatable religions that pops up from nowhere. They are also the ones that trigger ecological balance in nature which results to wildlife depletion as well as the most and destructive weather disturbances and calamities. They are great and massive. They are rich and the best of the intelligent beings. 

They are capable more than what humans are capable of. They already live where we live. They can be your neighbor, your friend, your teacher, or your parents. They can take away your skin and wears them looking just like you. Before you notice it, you are already in a fire burning sensation. Beware because you might not be able to tell the difference.

I tried to warn everybody but in return of my attempts, only loud laughs and eyes of disbelief were written from the humans faces. No one seems to understand it. I tried to tell the media so that the whole world will be able to get aware from it. But they pushed me away harshly, telling me that I will be spreading fake news if ever. I tried to tell the government, but they told me that they have even greater issues to face rather than wanting to hear from my story. Even my parents never believe every single detail that I told them. I was afraid of my actions. What if those beings already notice what I am doing and they will kill me? Or worst, they will kill my whole family.

I first caught sight of them when I was riding a vehicle somewhere down the mountains. It was a dim cloudy day. I was wondering up the sky when I suddenly catch a full view of a peculiar kind of vehicle in the sky. It was floating above the mountains when suddenly the clouds just instantly cover the unusual scene. I ask from the ones behind me if they saw something interesting in the sky, they said nothing. I ask them again if how many percent would they believe about other beings than humans and they said 40%. I said to them that I just saw one of that beings ship up there right now. But they don't believe me. Well, who would ever believe really if you never saw such thing right? But my eyes can't deny what I just saw. I even remembered that the lights of that ship were still on. I keep all of these things on myself since then. Until something terrible happened to me one night.

Being amazed of that peculiar ship I was a fan of science fiction then. About intelligent being from Mars, adventures from the different planet movies and alien invasion here on Earth. I thought I can only see it from big screens and movies but it's real, so real that I was curious. I isolated myself from my family because I believe that they would not accept such notions about that ship thing. Never knew that this isolation of mine would lead to my own destruction a really great destruction.

I still remember that it was a fine night and I was fast sound asleep. My room is in the upper portion of our house where I manage to create a small observatory up there. The room was a great mess because of lot of stuffs like microscopes, computers, papers, maps, and other science stuffs that you can find in the astronomers room. I almost lock up myself there for already a week doing geek stuffs. And that night, I don't really know what happened. I just suddenly disappeared of the room while sleeping.

I wake up. I wake up standing. Standing? I looked around and I was so shock that I am about to pass out that time but I still manage myself a little bit. What I saw are countless bodies of my own species! They were also standing just like me but they are unconscious. Not just that, their body were chained and their heads have some kind of wires attach connecting above where there is a great, great spherical shaped-like light where a bubbling liquid flows down to a bath tub form thing. I miss the most shocking detail when I look into my own body. I am naked. I am chained. But I'm not yet connected with the wire just like them. I tried to free myself but it was a hopeless attempt. The place was dark, only the great light that glows above shines above us.

I was lost at that time. Hungry of not being able to eat properly for almost a week was a bit sacrifice. I remembered my family, of what they are doing right now and will they be fine? Floods of thoughts washed up my head making me feel sick and tired. Suddenly, an unusual creature caught my attention. It can fly. It has a light of its own. It flutters. It's like a butterfly! I love butterflies. But it is a different butterfly. It can change its colors while flying and I was so amazed that I forgot I am tired and hungry. It flutters around and stops by on the tip of my nose! I was so alive. Something like a great energy flows down within my body. But why? I can't touch my body anymore! Then suddenly I saw a figure slowly forming looking just like me. I was shocked, terrified and afraid. And then I feel a painful sensation inside me. My body is burning that it gives so much light. Until all that remains of me was mass of light. 

I am gone. 

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