Polar Opposite Magnets

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Remus rolled his eyes at the drama that was Sirius Black as he tugged on a pair of thick woolen socks. Peter even looked up to see the crazy look on his face and a funny shiver went through him.

James raised an eyebrow, "You've got madness within you, Black," he said in a flat tone.

Sirius grinned.

"He really does, though, doesn't he?" Remus said.

Sirius turned about and pointed at Remus, "You'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Moony?" he smirked.

"Oi, let's keep it clean," Peter said quietly.

And all three of the others burst out laughing. "Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius hollered, grabbing Pete about the shoulders from behind, tugging him squeaking and squealing into his torso and messing up his hair with the knuckles of his free arm, "I didn't know you had it in you, mate!"

Peter struggled to get away.

Twenty minutes later and the Marauders had hung their bags upon Peter like a Christmas tree and tossed the invisibility cloak over his head. They guided him along, walking in a little knot around him down the stairs to the common room. Peter had complained that it was him what had to cover the luggage, but they'd countered he was the only one short enough to fit under there with all the bags and still be completely covered. Nobody needed to see all the things they'd packed, after all. Suspicions might arise.

Frank Longbottom sat before the fireplace, a book of Quidditch plays open on his knees as Ali sat beside him, a pair of knitting needles clicking at her side as she wrote on a long scroll of parchment that flopped over her knees and across the floor at her feet. Lily sat before them on the floor, and it was her eyes that caught the Marauders first. She stared up at them as seemingly only three of them ventured toward the Fat Lady's entrance. Lily pushed herself up from the floor, abandoning the pile of colorful threads she'd been tying into knotted bracelets, and hurried over just as Sirius was opening the door.

"Where are you lot going?" she asked in an important tone.

Remus noticed she'd not only put on her Prefect badge but she'd shined the bloody thing, and a twinge of guilt went through his stomach. He wasn't even sure where his badge was.

Sirius said, "You know perfectly well where we're going, Evans."

"Without Pete?"

"Here's here," Remus answered lowly.

As though to emphasize Remus's claim, Sirius shoved Peter through the open portrait hole door with both hands pushing on Peter's bottom. Peter oomphed as he landed on the carpet outside in the hall.

Lily scowled, then leaned closer, "I told you this was a bad idea, Sirius. In Potions."

"And I told you, in a slightly different wording, that I didn't give a fuck what you thought, Evans," Sirius said, smirking.

Lily looked ruffled.

"Look, it isn't as though it's any of your business what we get up to," James pointed out. He stared at her. Instead of yelling at us, maybe you could ask to come along, if you really gave a damn, he thought.

"I'm a prefect," she said haughtily. "It is my business."

"And do you want a werewolf in the common room, then?" Sirius hissed.

"No, Remus can go. And so can you and Pete for all I care," Lily replied. "But Potter is still recovering from the trauma of the things he experienced over holiday and --"

The Marauders: Year Six Part 2 #Wattys2017Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora