Everyone in that room is waiting. They will be there for her no matter what. When she stops singing she slowly opens her eyes.

Peyton p.o.v:

I open my eyes and look around dumbfounded before pulling out my ear buds. "What is everyone staring at? Do I have anything on my face?" I asked confused but everyone laughs saying no and Mike kisses my forehead agreeing with them. "Bunch of weirdos" I whisper making everyone laugh as well as me.

"Anyway....hit it!" Mercedes yells before singing

I smile knowing Rachel letting Mercedes getting the ballad.

I saw Jellyfish and Blueberry talking to I walk towards them only to hear Rachel say "puck is the father of Quinn's baby"


I run into the choir room with Jellyfish and immediately he starts punching puck as I walk towards Quinn. I bitch slap her. She falls but artie catches her.

Mike immediately yells "Peyton!" Walking towards me with James as they try to touch me I push both of them yelling "you Fuckers! You knew about Puck being her baby daddy?!"

The Mike and James immediately stop trying to grab me as I continue yelling looking around the room "all of you but Finn and i! Why didn't you fucking tell me?!" "C-cuz we knew you would get mad and tell finn" tina stutters out and I immediately kick the piano to the door before Mister shue could come in.

"Well guess what?! I'm Furious!! You all know that I hate people hurting MY family! All of you!" My voice cracks and Jellyfish stops and puts a hand on my shoulder trying to say it's okay but I continue "BUT I NEVER KNEW FAMILY BETRAYS EACH OTHER NOW!" I start coughing and Aunt Emma trys coming in.

I cover my mouth coughing more making Jellyfish rub my back whispering "are you okay?" I just take his hand before yelling "don't ever talk to me again!" Being muffled since my hand is over my mouth.

I pull Jellyfish out the room with me and when we're outside the school by my car I start coughing more and I bend down coughing up blood.

Jellyfish eyes widen before pulling my hair back as I cough more blood out and grip the car. After I'm finish stand up straight whipping my mouth. Jellyfish sighs saying "what's up with the blood?"

I look up at him "I'm just really sick jellyfish...nothing much...don't worry about it...just get yourself together okay?" He nods before I point for him to get into the car. "I'll drop you off your house?" I ask but he shakes his head.

"Then I'll take you to my new secret place I found. And maybe I can take more pictures" I say entering the car with him and starting to drive as he looks out the window staying quiet.


Once we got to the mountains I get my camera and get out the car with Jellyfish following behind. I sit down at the edge with him sitting besides you and start taking pictures.

After a few minutes Jellyfish asks "not gonna ask how I'm feeling?" I shake my head no as I zoom in taking a picture of the city better whole saying "no really cuz I know what you're feeling is fucking shit. And if you really wanted to cry our your feelings. I'm right here. With you ready for you to cry your eyes out finn"

The singing photographer (CONTINUED SOME WHERE ELSE)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें