00|Prologue: Storm-Quake

Start from the beginning

     The pale, black-haired child of death looked over at Frank with concerning eyes, ones he had never seen before, then went back to not paying him any attention.

     Frank was a stubborn lion, not literally right now, and claimed he was going to find them. Will advised him not to, but the Apollo boy was going in and out on the radio. Frank ignored him, not even caring he just basically popped out of nowhere, even if he sat, leaning on a wall. The lion got to the top of the ship with a determined expression that instantly faded to worried.

     No one was seen and he complicated whether he should continue looking or not. He decided to keep his life, going back down with a defeated look. His friends were lost in the sea, he betted, coming back to the death sibling and halfway unconscious sun child.

     Will was bobbing his head up and down, trying to maintain steady vision, but it was as blurry as when you stare into the sun and try to count the stars, which is impossible. He reached out to the tall figure in front of him and an unwater voice spoke urgently, "We need to-" clear ocean was heard at this moment, "-safe and look at-" ocean liked to interrupt people, "-looks kind of like he has-" now silence. His head bobbed once last time as his vision turned black and he laid limp.

     The figure who was above Will called out his name then scooped him up. "Let's get-" his voice was cut off by a bigger wave hitting and knocking the youngest two off their feet. "Let's get to the breaker room, Leo and the heat is in there."

     The actually eldest, but one of the youngest at the same time, hauled his sister up and led her to the destination Frank wanted them to go, grumbling, "Let's just hope, between all this storm, he doesn't set aflame to the engine room." The one in his arms, cuddled closer to him and he grasped onto her tighter. "It's gonna be okay, Hazel," He whispered for only her to hear. "This'll all blow over, and that was a bad choice of words. We will get through this. We've had worse- Okay, I'm not good at asuring people, but I'm not your happy-bot, I'm half human, half God, I have extra the flaws."

     A giggle was earned and Nico smiled faintly at her. She looked forward and they entered the engine room. Hazel's first instinct was to see if Leo was okay, for some reason. And, as always, Leo was 'fine'.

     Team Leo was read on his shirt in sharpie as she guessed he got bored for a moment. There was a small drawn fire on his arm as his Camp Half-Blood shirt was dirty and wet. But hey, she couldn't talk. She was soaked. She asked if he was okay, but it came out as a whisper. She sighed to herself, she was as weak at speaking as she was at protecting herself. Great.

     Leo, instead of hearing her, threw a juice box over at a random spot in the room and it splashed the man beast. He gave a snort and then went back to trying to keep fix the engine. If they were gonna fly over this storm, they needed a new engine probably. And where was he gonna get that? The 'In-Emergency-With-No-Way-Of-Suriving' store? He didn't think they had those over sea.

     Frank, being wet by the juice box, smelled of grape juice now. Appetizing, but not the right thing to focus on at that moment. He huffed and set Will down gently. The Apollo boy looked dead in his arms and looked even more dead on the floor. He pitied the smaller male them turned to the Super-Sixed McShizzle.

     "Valdez, is there anything-" Surprisingly, he was not cut off by the sea God, just by the Handy-Man God.

     "No, I am kinda busy with finding a way to get this damn thing to work!" He reported in an angered attitude.

     Frank wasn't in the mood. "God Dammit, Leo, stop working kn the thing and look at the real dam problem! Percy, Jason, Annabeth, and Piper are missing!" He hissed in an very snake-y way. His eyes almost pupilless.

     The Latino boy stared at him and he huffed and puffed and glared down Leo. Leo inched back, almost scared of this new side if Frank. This Frank was scary, he wanted the old Frank back.

     Meanwhile, the triggered masculist continued. "So, I don't know about you, but I would be fine with some rocking waves till the storm passes. Our real problem is to find the others and stay alive on the Merri-Go-Round of death!"

     Both children of death were staring at Frank in shock. They did not believe this was a side of him, and yet there was. Maybe it only came down in the most death-threatening times, but they both wondered if it was even Frank talking....

     Leo stood then lost his balance as the Hades Spawn said 'boo!' Nico sniffled a laugh, Leo glared at him while getting up and being mildly disturbed, and Frank rolled his eyes. Hazel even rolled her own eyes.

     "Come on, we-" Nico started, but never finished as water spewed from the door and the demigods lost sight of each other. This was gonna be great.

(Wooooww......... I am awful for writing that, but I feel satisfied. Prologue of how the three demigod's got there are finished. Yes, I said three. It will not just be Will and Nico. Heuheuheuheuheuh- ugh, that laugh, pfft- Okay, okay. Till next time, y'all. Bye.)

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