Chapter 6

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RWBY is owned and created by Rooster Teeth, and Monty Oum,

not me. If I did own RWBY, there would be blood on the weapons when they hit someone.



The tip of crescent rose was deflected to the right by a minimal amount of gravity, it's wielder slid past, leaving rose petals in her wake. Ruby Rose recovered quickly, transforming the weapon back from 'war scythe' mode as she skirted around her sparring partner at hyper sonic speeds. With the remaining momentum, she horizontally spun the scythe, forcing her opponent to blast herself back.

The horizontal spin was turned into an overhand swing that halted at the hip, allowing Ruby to fire off four shots with the 'sniper' part of Crescent rose. She raced the last shot, knowing that a force field poised to deflect bullets is useless against an object that's already on the ground.

Weiss Schnee was not so easily defeated, and recently thought up a defense against all high-speed objects, but it's untested. Her 'regular' force fields are hemispheres that have a significantly higher resistance than its surroundings. This causes objects entering the bubble to be forced into the ground. People can still enter this bubble. The new force field is a hemisphere with less resistance than its surroundings, causing projectiles (and hopefully hypersonic dolts) to be refracted upwards.

As expected, Ruby was pushed into the air... by a few inches. They both stumbled, rolled and skidded to the edge of the arena. Ruby ended up on top, but the length of Crescent Rose was useless when your opponents are close enough to kiss. Weiss tapped her partner's throat with her blade. "Like I said, I won't go easy on you, no matter the circumstances."

Ruby blinked, sensing the double entendre in the heiress's words. She stood up, pulling her secret girlfriend with her. She cracked a small smile and responded, "Don't worry, I won't hold back either." This is how we express their feelings. "Now let's fight right handed!" She switched so her non-dominant hand was on the trigger.

Weiss also switched hands. "Challenge accepted."

The heiress was promptly knocked off her feet. As she pulled Weiss onto her feet, Ruby said, "Yang and Blake are going off to do whatever they do when settling gambling debts, uh can we mm-" She was flustered, her cheeks getting closer to her cloak. Finally deciding on the suggestion, "Shall we get some air?" The two of them where already sparring again.

Neither of them were strangers to speaking indirectly. Ruby learned from her less – legal exploits, and Weiss grew up in the Schnee household. Sometimes, high society is downright savage with their hidden insults and veiled threats.

They were both in the bind, blade against blade. Weiss acted first, making a wind dust glyph below her partner's feet, causing the same lack of friction used in air hockey. She was able to push Ruby back and followed up with a jab. Her opponent, however, was fast. Ruby practically teleported to the side and used the leverage of Crescent Rose to perform a disarm, sending Myrtenaster behind her.

Weiss, backing away, discretely cast a few glyphs on her rapier, drawing from a small vial up her sleeve. Finally responding, she said, "I accept." Myrtenaster spun through the air, glanced off Ruby's aura, and landed in its wielder's hand.

They continued their sparring for a while, Weiss was revealed to noticeably better at dueling.

Trying to get in the first hit instead of fighting until aura depletion helps with those situations where anti-aura dust is involved.

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