Chapter 1

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RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth, not me. I do, however own this fanfiction which means the story can diverge however I want.

Weiss shifted her seat to look at Blake and Yang "So. I believe we all have noticed that Ruby has been acting suspicious?" she announced the present members of team RWBY.

Blake looked up from her book, "yes. She tends to disappear occasionally, prrr, even when we go out to town, and often gets too our room later than the rest of us." *purr*

Yang was sitting behind the faunus, rubbing her ears, "Don't worry guys, this is normal for Ruby!" "When we were both at signal, ruby would disappear from time to time, but has always comes back okay and ready to go."

The Heiress raised an eyebrow "Oh? And you never press her about this? That doesn't sound like her obsessive big sister."

Yang moved from Blake's ears and put on a serious expression "Ruby needs to have something that I'm not digging my nose into"..."Though much of me wishes for her to be my adorable little sister forever, I also know that she is growing. There are hidden reasons Headmaster Ozpin chose her as leader, we may even learn why after four years. She's probably just lowering the local grimm population."

Blake, no longer purring, said "Last weekend, when we went to watch 'The man with Two Souls' Ruby did leave, but returned with snacks and our preferred drinks right as the previews finished, which is odd, as ruby would usually have someone else buy it. I also noticed other suspicious circumstances" The amber eyed girl narrowed her eyes, "She almost had the smell of someone who had been in a gunfight...prrr."

Yang started massaging Blake's shoulders reassuring everyone, "Whatever horrible secrets My little sis might have, couldn't be that bad. But it's already getting dark, so we should go look for her, we can ask her when we find her."

"We were supposed re discuss dorm rules to prevent Ruby from being traumatized, now that Bumbleby is cannon..." Weiss said, with a note of confusion on the last few words.

"What are you talking about? Bumblebees? cannons?"

"I don't know... I must be studying to hard without Ruby. Lets look for the dolt."

Meanwhile, the topic of discussion was working on a secret project in beacon's workshop. Ruby carefully tightened the last screw. She stepped back and admired her new design, blushing furiously. It was a 15 inch cylinder with a beautiful red color coat, matching her darling crescent rose. Extending said scythe, the red cloaked weapon enthusiast twisted the new addition onto to the end of the barrel. Ruby loaded in a subsonic round and fired it into a target on the other side of the room. Ruby was practically drooling, 'almost completely silent, but... has almost all the power!'.

Completely forgetting about the team meeting she quietly hummed "I'm off to the emerald forest to play with the grimm..."

60 minutes later

Weiss Schnee brushed some of an Ursa's powdery remnants from Myrtenaster, the search for ruby was not going well. They had hoped to track ruby down using the gunshots of her sniper scythe, but it seemed that ruby was only using the blade of crescent rose. She heard someone let out a whimper from on top of a hill. 'Ruby?' thought Weiss 'My... That dolt! Probably sprained a wrist swinging that small artillery cannon – well... I guess there is a reason that scythe wielders are so rare'. Weiss started running out of the woods and up the hill, seeing ashes of various grimm.

The voice then whispered, "Mhh, oh yes" <3

Weiss stopped in her tracks, she felt something boiling within herself, her knuckles suddenly white, she rotated the cylinder on her rapier to the very rare anti-aura dust. New enemy: The one who dares to take the dolt who Weiss won't admit she loves. No one gets away with stealing from a Schnee.

A\N: Cliff Hanger!

Because I need some time to figure out exactly what happens after "the reveal"

Anyway, hope you enjoyed my first fanfiction, feedback much appreciated. The grim now leave ashes behind when they die. This story is starting off in the time gap between volume 1 and volume 2, but don't worry, I probably won't kill Pyrrah. Wow, trying to figure out dialogue sure is tough.

And now presenting:

What really went down at the movie theater:

Ruby Rose takes a quick look behind her and past the rows of seats, there were 2 heavily muscled men, 1 sitting near each exit, small deformities in their suit jackets suggesting concealed weapons 'We've been followed!' thought the silver eyed girl 'I'll have to be quick if I don't want my cover blown!'. Team RWBY and JNPR are going out to catch the new movie adaptation of 'The Man with Two Souls'. The Large screen is still showing previews of other movies, and Ruby decides to execute her plan. She leans close to her best friend and whispers, "... hey... Weiss!"

Weiss coolly responded, "yes ruby?"

"I'm going to find some snacks, do you... want something to drink?

The ice queen nodded "just water"

Ruby looked a few seats over to ask if Yang and Blake would like anything. The Bumbleby couple were cuddling, so the leader decided to not interrupt them.

Ruby left her seat and moved towards the nearest exit. The mercenary stood up and blocked the door, but as his mouth opened, what looked to be a small bicycle pump slid out of Ruby's sleeve, and he collapsed onto the young leader. Ruby picked up the body (easy for someone who wields a scythe that weighs her own body weight to slay monsters) and burst into rose petals. Moving fast enough that people couldn't tell that she was carrying a body, and stashed it in the janitor's closet across the hall. She crept behind the other mercenary through the other door and dragged him to the same closet. Ruby searched the bodies for a scroll and checked for messages.

'Our mission is to capture the heiress to the SDC,

The target is the one with the white hair, blue eyes, and tends

to dress with this colour scheme in mind. Be cautious, she

and those around her are top students at beacon.

When the movie is finished, we will move out from the private

theater, p4.

She is currently seeing "The Man With Two Souls" movie with her

Team: RWBY.'

The briefing continued by listing the skills, weapons, and semblances of team RWBY with some surprising new details, like how Weiss's father married into the Schnee name, Blake has a very supportive, and wealthy family with a few siblings on other continents, and Yang has hobby of beating everyone up at night clubs- to be expected. But Ruby doesn't care about these details now, what mattered was that Someone was after her partner...

2 minutes later

A red cloaked reaper stepped out of room p4 with a satisfied smile, leaving 8 corpses slumped around in luxurious chairs. She went to buy cookies, jumbo popcorn buckets, and drinks. The unfortunate mercenaries' employer would clean up the mess before anyone notices.

But something was Troubling the huntress- When she first met Weiss in the "crater face" incident, and when she tracked the ice queen down during Beacon's initiation ritual, it was because protecting Weiss was part of her mission, per Winter Schnee's request of course- only uncle Qrow was drunk enough to defy her. While being near Weiss and taking out whatever might wish her harm, they had grown very close, they always went on missions together, studied together, sparred together, and even did weapon maintenance together. But Ruby's feelings have shifted, she wanted to be more than best friends.

A\N: The "bicycle pump" is a reference to the Welrod pistol, it's basically a suppressor with a firing pin and magazine. Of course, Ruby's custom silencers are vastly improved over their real-life counterparts with the help of dust alloyed metals and the TARDIS like technology people on remnant use for expanding weapons, clean energy sources, and combat sleeves. The Ruby in this AU is a lot more in touch with her dark side, but she's not the completely sociopathic killing machine you find in stories such as "The Bloodied Rose" by TheRoman987 on fanfiction.


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