Chapter 2

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The reveal.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY, it belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum.

I do, however own this fic, which means the story can diverge however I want.

Weiss Schnee was launching off a dust rune, but fumbled when she heard Ruby's voice, "oh Crescie... you're so warm!"<3 The blush crept up Weiss's cheeks as she stumbled through the air, fantasies of a girl and a high caliber sniper scythe filling her head. The heiress landed uncomfortably on the top of the hill, aura protecting her from breaking anything. Shaking away that last image of Ruby and "Crescie" cuddling, Weiss slowly sat up.

That's when she saw it: Ursa, beowulves, nevermores, boarbatusks, and deathstalkers. Just dust on the wind, illuminated by the last glow of twilight. Ruby was crouching a few meters away, another ursa collapsed in the distance and ruby cycled the bolt, but there was no gunshot. Just a click and a faint hiss. Yang was right; ruby was only lowering the local grimm population.

"Ruby! There you are!" Weiss shouted, "You just went missing, and weren't picking up your scroll!"

"ahh! Weiss...I can" Ruby stumbled over her words.

Weiss interrupted, "No, first we will get out of here, then we can talk."

Weiss pulled out her scroll and sent a message

'Ruby was just fighting grimm. The emerald forest is almost empty.'

'That's my little sis! The PUNisher is waiting for you.'

Weiss rolled her eyes.

Getting back to beacon was easy enough; most grimm fled from Ruby's presence. A few of the stupider ones did try to stop them, but were quickly dusted by a cloud of rose petals. While admiring her skill, Weiss noticed that the young leader was still fighting like she hasn't been trying to drive the creatures of grimm into extinction for the past hour.

"Rubes. How many grim have you killed today?" Weiss interrogated the younger girl as the two of them neared the dorms of beacon.

"... too many to count" Ruby said, candidly.

Weiss looked around at the countless ash piles and said, "Most huntsmen would pass out after slaying as many as you just did. You look like you could do this all week. How do you do it?"

"You mean yang never told you? Each grimm gives me as much energy as a cookie, and if I'm slaying grimm quickly enough, I get supercharged! Kind like Nora when she gets hit by lightning!" Ruby explained excitedly.

"So, you have multiple semblances like the man with two souls? Or my butler Klein?" Weiss scoffed, "I guess that explains how you got to be the youngest student to ever attend Beacon."

"When I took down my first Beowulf I thought I discovered my semblance: 'devouring the souls of grimm'- Uncle Qrow says it's a form of magic I inherited from my ancestors... it wasn't enough to save her." Ruby trailed off, pain visible on her face.

Weiss understood: Summer Rose had this power too. She grabbed Ruby and pulled her into an embrace. Tears streamed from the silver eyes, as the high of battle wore off. She quietly cried into Weiss's shoulder for a few minutes. The Heiress backed off, holding ruby at a distance, she said, "Bring your 'BFF' with next time you go hunting, we fight the forces of darkness together, okay?"

Ruby smiled and nodded, "It's a date."

Weis turned on her heels, "Let's go, yang is waiting to barrage us with her puns."

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