Chapter 10

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The doctor steps out from the emergency room, snapping off his gloves.

"How is he?" I'm shaking.

"We managed to save him," the doctor starts.

"Thank Jesus Christ," the breath I've been holding eases off my back.

"But," he continues. Fuck.

"The heart attack ruptured the lining and tissues of his heart, he needs an organ transplant as soon as possible or-"

"Or what?" I snap.

"We might only have a couple of months left, or he will live with complications for the rest of his life."

"Then get him an organ transplant ASAP."

"Miss," the doctor ducks his head apologetically, "there are currently no available donors."


Addy drops to her knees in front of my cell, her body shakes with every sob. She clamps her hand over her mouth, trying to silence herself.

"Addy, shhhh." There's no officer next to her, unlike per usual. How did she get in here without the officer's help?

I try to calm her down frantically, grabbing the wire and fumbling with it. She starts to choke on her tears, hiccups running down her spine and I hear the inmate opposite me stir from his sleep.

I pick the lock as quietly and deftly as I can. The door of the cell swings open, creaking silently. It's two in the morning and halfway into the Correctional Officer's shift now, he should be sleeping.

I pull Addy close, sliding my hands under her back and lifting her up bridal style. She curls up against my chest like a fiddle head fern, her tears matting my shirt.

I manage to shut the cell door soundlessly.

"Babe, talk to me." I whisper, settling on the edge of my bed and setting her down on my lap.

Addy swings her one leg over so she's straddling me buries her face in her hands. "My dad," she chokes out, "he had a heart attack."

My heart sinks. I slide my hand under the hem of her shirt, letting my thumb graze over her lower back a little. "They managed to save him but he's suffering from damaged tissues in the heart."

Oh thank god he's alive.

"They say he needs a heart transplant. Or he will only have a couple more months to live." She sounds like she's drowning, I pull her a little closer. "B-but there are no available donors currently."

Addy bursts into tears, balling up the collar of my shirt in her fists.

"I-I can't do this Ethan." She hiccups.

"Shhhh. Don't cry." My hand comes behind her neck and I tilt her forehead to mine, her skin is flushed and hot, I let my nose graze a little against hers.

She frames my face in her palms, her hands are ice cold. "I can't lose both of you guys, you guys are all I have."

I get this pang in my heart, and my eyes sting with tears.

"Hey don't cry." I run my thumbs over her cheeks as gingerly as possible, mopping up her tears. I lean in a kiss her, biting her bottom lip softly. She tastes like coffee, I'm betting she had countless sleepless nights.

She grasps the hem of my shirt, lifting it up. I take over, pulling it over my head.

She fumbles frantically with the zipper of my jeans. "I need you now Ethan." I help her out of her jeans and get rid of my boxers.

Then we go at it again.


I'm almost drifting off to sleep but Ethan starts speaking again.



He hugs me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You know after my death sentence-"

"Don't talk about it." I turn in his embrace to face him.

"No it's just, I think I can donate my heart to your father."

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