Chapter 9

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"Dolan, your 11 o'clock is here." The officer stops short outside of my cell, cuffs in his hand.

"What?" I push off the bed.

He raises his eyebrows, "your counselling session?" I haven't seen Addy for two days, since that talk.

I assumed she gave up on me.

He cuffs me and grabs me by the wrists, tight as fuck. I don't get why they think I'm desperate to get out of this place. If I really wanted to, I could've ages ago. I mean, I can pick the fucking lock of my jail cell.

But there's nothing much to escape for.

He drags me into the counselling room. Addy leans back against the chair, looking defeated. She's wearing my hoodie. My heart stirs.

The officer leaves with a slam and lock of the door and silence reverberates around the room.

Addy pushes her hair from her face and purses her lips. "Wanna talk about your feelings?" Her voice sounds like broken glass.

"What are you doing here?"

Addy glances down at her fingers, drumming them against the table lightly. "I left you that day because I needed some time." She starts.

"I went home and thought about everything you told me. I'm not a stranger to loss, I lost my mom when I was 9. She was shot at the scene of a robbery. But that's not the point." Addy shakes her head sadly.

"I came back here today," Addy folds her arms gingerly over the table and rests her chin against her wrist.

"I came back here today, to make everyday from this point onward count."


"I came back here today, to make everyday from this point onward count."

Ethan draws back, "but Addy-", I lean across the table to press my finger against his lips. "Shut up." I frown. "You just wasted one second of your life saying something inconsequential to this relationship."

Ethan lowers his gaze to my finger, I pull away and sit back down.

"I wish I could give you what a normal boyfriend would give you." He says quietly.

"Like what?"

"I don't know, like going out on actual dates to actual places. I would take you out for pizza. Or like a theme park, or a horror movie so I can protect you."

"It's alright, you can protect me from the other inmates."

"That's a first."

"Let's play a game." I pat his arm.


"I'll call this game: 'Who can ignore the fact that you are going to face sentence in one month.'"

Ethan cracks a smirk. "I'm gonna win, I have been ignoring it for the past six months. But you're making it difficult for me."

"My bad."

"True, you're a bad girl." Ethan wiggles his brows at me.

"Ew. So are you gonna date me or nah?"

"Fine, I'll date you, but on one condition." Ethan tightens his grip around my hand.


"Will you come to my funeral?"

I flinch. "Yes Ethan, I'll marry you."

"I'm talking about a burial Addy."

"Of course." I force out. "Of course I'll be at your burial."

"Okay you're my official girlfriend now." Ethan laughs, lifting my hand to his lips, touching his lips to my skin lightly. "I honestly kinda love you a lot."

"Kinda? Bitch this ain't no multiple choice question." I raise a brow at him.

"Oh man, I guess then I'll have to say I hate you a lot."

"Same Ethan, same."

The door of the room swings open and the officer pokes his head in. "Adelaine Hunt?"

"Session's not over yet!" I protest, gesturing towards the clock.

"You need to end this session now. It's an emergency."


"Your father, he's-"

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