Chapter 7

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I don't stop him when he grabs me tight by my arms and shoves me against the wall. Ethan presses his lips against mine.

His hand comes behind my neck, desperately trying to pull me closer. I curl my fingers in his hair, tugging slightly.

He breaks away panting, forehead pressed against mine as he reaches over his head and pulls off his shirt. A sudden thought seems to strike him and he pushes away.

i watch him walk to the other corner of the room and stretch to his full height, the muscles on his back flexing as he raises his arms to sling his shirt over the security camera.

He crosses the threshold of the room again, Ethan pulls me towards him by the collar of my shirt, fumbling impatiently with the buttons. They don't come undone.

With a small grunt, he strains a little and rips the buttons open, he dips his face to my collarbone and kisses it softly as I slide my top off.

And when we're stripped of our clothing, Ethan pulls off my panties and tosses them aside carelessly. "Jump," he pants. I do, and I wrap my legs around his waist.

He pushes in slowly. "Ethan." I gasp, tightening my grip behind his neck. He catches my lips in his. "Shhh, the other inmates can hear us." He mumbles against the kiss.

Then he goes faster, I can feel my lower back rubbing raw against the concrete and his nails digging into my thighs.

I suppress a moan by biting softly into his shoulder. "Addy, fuck," Ethan grunts, throwing his head back as he drives into me desperately. My back arches off the wall and I watch as sweat starts beading across his forehead.

I'm almost there, I struggle to hold it in, raking my fingers down his back, clawing to bring him closer.

He presses his lips against my shoulders, tying to conceal his moans. "I love you," he whimpers.

He said it.


Afterwards, she lies in my arms, her legs tangled up between mine. Addy presses her damp forehead against my chest, her eyes drifting shut. She's wearing my prison shirt because I ripped her blouse.

I rest my chin against the top of her head, I see bruises tracking up her forearm, new and blooming. When the shirt rides up, I see scratches on her lower back from rubbing up against the concrete walls. I see marks the shake of a crescent moon on her thighs from the grip of my nails.

I hurt her even though I don't want to.

Why can't I be more gentle with her.

I slide my hand down her shoulder and rub the bruises softly in circular motions, trying to make amends. She shifts slightly in my arms.

"It's alright, Ethan."


I know Ethan blames himself for hurting me.

He starts massaging the bruises on my arms gingerly.

"It's alright, Ethan." I shift so that I can catch a glimpse of his expression.

"I hurt you." He stares straight ahead, his fingers still moving in circles across my arm.

"No you didn't, it wasn't on purpose."

"I should have been more gentle with you."

I struggle from his grasp and prop myself up on one elbow, "I left scratches on your back too." I reach over and run my hand over the scarlet red marks. "Ethan," I hook a finger under his chin and force him to look at me, "these are love marks."

"Then why are they painful?" He sighs, slipping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. I interlock my arms behind his neck and tip my forehead to his. "I don't know." I whisper, giving him a small kiss on the tip of his nose.

"I love you Addy" he glances down at my lips.

"I love you too."

"I don't like hurting you."

"You don't hurt me, you make me happy." I crack a small smile.

"I do?"

"Yeah," I lean in, "can you just shut up and kiss me already?" He gives me a quick peck, then a longer one, then he presses his lips against mine and kisses me hard.

"Go to sleep," Ethan breaks away and pulls me into his chest again. I close my eyes until his breathing goes steady and then I let myself drift off.


I sneak back home at 5 in the morning.

I left Ethan this morning with a kiss and a promise that I'll be back in a few hours to counsel him.

Slipping into the living room, I try to tiptoe across to the floor to the staircase. I just want to be back in my room.

"Young lady." I jump at the sound of my father's voice. I spin around and see him sitting at the dining table. Was he there the entire night?

"Dad," I manage, pulling my jacket around Ethan's prison shirt so he doesn't see.

"Where were you the entire night?"

"I was at Lauren's house."

"You need a car to get to a house just right down our street?" He raises his brow at me. "You were at the prison, weren't you?"

"Okay, yeah I was, is there something wrong?"

"That's it, I'm pulling you out of the counselling thing." Dad stands up.

"WHAT? Why? No." My heart starts palpitating.

"You've been spending too much time with Ethan, I don't want you to get involved with him. He's no good for you."

"You don't have the right to say that." I swallow my tears.

"Yeah, I do. He's a monster, you are blinded just because he looks good," Dad raises his voice.




"WHY NOT?" Dad takes a step towards me.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM." I yell, tears welling in my eyes.

Color drains from my dad's face, he back away speechless. "How can you love a fucking murderer?" My breath hitches.

"Adelaine, do you know he killed people?"

"No, but that's the past and he won't hurt people he cares about." My voice quivers, I think of Ethan being afraid to touch me because he doesn't want to hurt me.

"You don't know why he's in prison. And even if you decide to be with him, it won't last for more than a month."


"Do you know the consequences of man slaughter Adelaine?"

Oh my god.

"All this time you knew Ethan, he's just in jail waiting for the court to pass his death sentence."

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