Chapter 8

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just a note from the owner of this account (the one that didn't write the story), there is some blood and gore in this chapter for those that get grossed out or triggered by blood.


This time when I park outside the prison and stumble towards the main entrance, the security guard doesn't stop me.

   I'm hysterical, but I don't allow myself to cry. I skid into the building and storm up to the front desk. "Back for Dolan so soon?" The same lady behind the desk glances at the clock bewildered. It's like 7 AM.

   I ignore her, heading straight for the elevator.

   Death sentence.

   Why did he not tell me?

   The correctional Officer jolts from his nap when I grab him by his arm.

"I need to see Ethan now."


Addy comes at me with a force of a whirlwind the moment the doors of my cell crack open.

   I scramble to sit up in bed and stand but she hurls herself into my arms, knocking the breath out of me as she buries her head in my chest and starts to cry.

   I lean back in bed and press my lips against the crown of her head. What happened? "Shhhh." I murmur, rubbing her back in slow circles. She's still wearing my shirt. I breathe in deeply, taking in her scent.

   I'm going to miss this when I'm gone.

   Addy pushes away, I lift my hands to frame her face. Her eyes are tired and red rimmed. She swallows and starts to speak, her voice thick with tears.

"Why didn't you tell me?"


   Silence settles over us.

"I don't want you to bed sad Addy." Ethan finally says.

"No." I choke out. I want Ethan to start laughing and tell me he's just kidding. But he lowers his gaze. "Tell me this is a joke, please tell me this is a joke." I sob, my tears drowning my words.

   Ethan pulls me into an embrace again. I turn my head into his chest, my tears matting the fabric of his shirt.

"I killed people." I glance up at Ethan the moment he starts t speak. He stares straight ahead with glossy eyes, his fingers trailing down my back.

"Six months ago, I was admitted into this facility, to wait out my trial for man slaughter. The court passed me a death sentence a couple of weeks ago. I was ready to accept it all these six months."

"They called you in to counsel me the day after the judge passed the sentence. The were afraid I cannot deal with the sentence."

"I am charged for first degree murder on five counts."

   I swallow.

"Her name was Kayla, she was the captain of the cheer squad. We were going one year strong. I loved her.

   My heart picks up speed.

"I had a best friend. He and I went way back to preschool years. He was the closest friend I had other than my twin brother. We played on the school's football team. We planned on getting into the same university by relying on scholarships."

"Kayla and I, we talked a lot about the future, we were serious as a couple. I never thought I could love someone as much as I loved her. But she fucked Jordan behind my back. She fucked my best friend." Ethan's voice breaks.

"I found them in the science lab the next day, fooling around. I straight up confronted Jordan, he fought back hard. I was injured and he had the upper hand, I got so mad I-I-" Ethan blinks faster.

"One thing led to another and I stabbed him. Over and over, with a scalpel. There was blood everywhere. All over me, all over my hands." I glance down at Ethan's hand, resting against my thigh, and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Kayla was screaming, she had a gun out from her bag and in her hands, like a glock. Her dad is an officer, he made her carry that in case of an emergency. She threatened to shoot me if I moved."

"I lunged forward to stop her and we struggled, the trigger went off once and the next moment she was on the ground with a bullet through her stomach. Kayla was screaming and crying, blood seeped from the corners of her mouth."

"She made terrible noises from the back of her throat, choking on her own blood. She cried for me to help her, so I gave her what she needed at that moment."

   Ethan's hand slides from my thigh, I watch him curl his fingers and lift his hand to his temple. He presses the tip of his index finger to his temple, imitating a gun.

"I shot her," Ethan smiles a pained smile, his voice faltering as his eyelashes spike with tears, "I shot her here."

   I close my eyes so my head stops spinning. I imagine the fingers trailing down my spine pulling the trigger on some girl he loved.

   I imagine his arm wrapped gently around my waist, wrapped around a scalpel, stabbing his best friend. I shiver.

"I ran home, delirious and shaken. My mom took a look at my blood-stained clothes and the glock in my hand, she called the police." Ethan squeezes his eyes shut. "I shot all of them, my mother, my father, and my sister."

   There was a pause.

"Grayson escaped. But I've never seen him in months, till a few weeks ago at the trial where they passed my death sentence. I assume that will be the last time I will be seeing him."

   Ethan pulls away from me and runs his fingers along the wall by his bed. I squint, my eyes adjusting to the darkness and then I see them. Tally marks. The whole wall is lined with them.

"I have one month and a couple of days left. After I'm gone, the next inmate will see these tally marks and think: 'Wow, this lucky bastard counted only 7 months to his freedom. But he's wrong. I'm just counting the days down to my death."

"If you still love me, forget about that one month," Ethan tucks a strand of hair behind my ear gingerly, "we can make everyday count."

"If you don't love me anymore, I understand." He whispers. "I'm sorry Addy, for coming into your life in a time like this. But it's never too late to leave."

"I didn't want a fucking counselor in the first place, we shouldn't have met." Ethan slams his fist into the wall and I jump.

"I don't even know why I love you so much, Addy. I can't help it, I'm sorry." He passes a hand over his eyes. "Before I met you, I was perfectly okay with dying. I had nothing to lose, there was nothing much I felt a need to live for."

"You changed me Addy, you really did. I hate to admit this, but I find myself doing anything just to get extra time with you, to express how I feel. It's fucking difficult for me. I find myself changing for you."

"And now that I've met you, I don't want to die." Tears are streaking down his cheeks. "I'm scared Addy. I'm scared of drying. I don't want to lose this."

   Ethan slides his fingers between mine, interlocking our hands like how I did during our first counselling session. "I'm scared," his body heaves with sobs.

"Every single passing day means one less day I get to spend with you." he coughs, "And I'm scared of that."

   Ethan ducks his head, composing himself. "I think you should leave Addy. I would rather you leave me, than I leave you. Leave."

   I blot from the cell, hand clamped over my mouth, biting down to keep myself from sobbing out loud.

   I leave Ethan behind.

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