The Rats Strike Back

Start from the beginning

"Man this stinks." Leo said.

Bree groaned. "Why do we always have to do what he wants to do?"

"Weren't you listening?" Adam questioned. "The man is king!"

"Hey," Leo snapped his fingers. "Maybe you should do what those hotel workers downtown did. You know, strike."

"Okay," Adam shrugged, then punched Chase in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" Chase asked.

"Leo said strike."

"Strike?" Bree asked, causing Adam to hit Chase again.

"Ow!" Chase exclaimed.

"What's a strike?" Bree repeated.

Adam went to hit Chase again, but he caught his fist before it could make contact with his arm. "Stop it!"

"It's when employees refuse to work until they get better working conditions, like more days off. Or in your case, a day off." Leo explained.

"Hey, that's a great idea." Chase grinned. "I say we all strike!" Adam, Bree, and Leo hit him. "Oh come on!"

It was around eight at night, and I was getting ready for bed when there was a knock at the door. I opened the door revealing Chase. I let him in and sat down on my bed, him following suit.

"Are you okay, Alex?" He asked softly. I shrugged. I haden't been talking a lot. "Talk to me." He begged, cupping my face.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing would come out. Tears pooled in my eyes and I couldn't stop them. Chase noticed and he wrapped me in a hug, careful to not hurt my shoulder.

"Shh, everything's okay." He whispered in my ear.

"I'm scared." I croaked.

"Alex, he's in jail. He can't hurt you."

"But he escaped once before. He can do it again." I told him, my voice slightly cracking.

He sighed and kissed my forehead. "That won't happen. I won't let it happen."

I nodded, feeling assurance from his words. "Get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning." He said. I nodded and pressed my lips to his. His response was immediate, making me smile into the kiss. That was the first time I had smiled all day. Only Chase had the affect on me.

"Love you." He said once we pulled away.

"Love you, too." I smiled. He kissed my forehead before walking out of my room, closing the door behind him. I crawled into bed and fell asleep in a matter of minutes.


When I woke up the next morning, I suddenly felt refreshed and full of energy. I was in a better mood, and I owed it all to Chase. Gotta love that boy.

I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a cami since I knew for a fact that we were gonna be in the house all day. I threw my hair into a ponytail before making my way down to the lab. Did I mention that putting your hair into a ponytail is difficult when your arm is in a sling? I didn't even know how I did it.

As soon as I walked into the lab, I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. There were signs all over the lab table.

"Uh, what's going on?" I asked, walking over to my friends and boyfriend.

Chase grinned and pecked my lips. "Adam made signs for our strike."

"Strike?" I asked. "As in you guys are gonna actually strike against Davenport?" They all nodded, even Leo.

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