Thundclone fans, prepare to fangirl...

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This dare is from Zuziitana
Hope you will enjoy it!
Blaze:*bouncing a ball towards the wall* bored, bored, bored.
Thunderstorm:💢💢💢 stop saying that!
Blaze:Why hasn't the author updated this book yet?
Thunderbolt:*watching Cyclone and Hurricane building a card castle* Because she super lazy to update
(Lol, sorry guys for not updating! Pls forgive me!)
Flare: Oh...

Diana: *drawing random picture *
Sasha: Diana.
Diana:*continues to draw*
Sasha:💢 DIANA!
Diana:*falls out of chair* ow...
Ryna: I have no comments
Kath: Neither do I
Dragon: What's going on?
Sasha:I want to give a dare.
Scorpio: And it is?
Sasha: I dare Thundy to go on a date with Cyclone.
Hinata: Oh... ThundClone!

Dragon: *dragging a kicking Thunderstorm behind her*
Everyone: 0-0
Dragon: What?
Kath: Nothing...

Ryna: Ok, so Thunder and Cyclone you got a dare from Kath.
Scorpio: She dared both of you to do on a date.
Cyclone: Question: Where do we go?
Kath: Answer: Go anywhere you want to go.
Cyclone: Oh...

Cyclone and Thunderstorm:*kicked out of the house*
Sasha: And you can't get back until 2 pm

Dragon: Should we spy them?
Sasha: Totally.
Ryna: Uh... Do you have a camera we could borrow?
Scorpio: Wait... I think I have one.
Kath: So we got everything we need...
Diana*opens door and walked out with others*

Thunderstorm: So where do you want to go now?
Cyclone: Hm... what about the theme park?
Thunderstorm: Eh? Sure.

Staff: So what do you two boys want?
Thunderstorm: Can I have two tickets for the *looks at signboard *
Cyclone: Ooh... can we go to the Extreme Roller Coaster?
Thunderstorm: *face pales* Cyclone...
Cyclone: *puppy eyes*
Thunderstorm: F..fine...[can you please stop that? Why and I so easily manipulated by Cyclone?-_-]

On the roller coaster...
Thunderstorm and Cyclone entered the roller coaster.
Staff:Ok, so everyone please put on you seat belts and please do not try to puck.
2 staff: *mutters* or we will have to clean the mess...

The Roller Coaster starts to move...
Thunderstorm: * thinking * Ok... everything is alright...everything is alright...

The roller coasters falls down...
Thunderstorm: EVERYTHING OS TOTALLY NOT RIGHT!!!!*screams like a little girl*
Cyclone: Woo Hoo!!,

Cyclone: That was awesome!!!Can we go on it again?
Thunderstorm:🤢 *pucks*
Cyclone: Ok maybe not...

Scorpio: You got everything on?
Kath: Of course!
Sasha: Hehehe...
Hinata:Uh... guys?
Ryna:*eating ice cream*
Diana: *eating ice cream with Ryna*
Everyone:*stares at Ryna and Diana* -_-

Thunderstorm and Cyclone goes to restaurant
Waiter: So what would you like to have?

Cyclone and Thunderstorm placed their orders?
Waiter: Ok, your food will be served..
Cyclone:*staes at Thunderstorm*
Thunderstorm:*stares back*
Cyclone: So what now?
Thunderstorm:I think we'll just go back..
Cyclone: Alright.

After they have eaten their food
Thunderstorm: You know there is something I have always wanted to do...
Cyclone: And what is it?
Thunderstorm:*kisses Cyclone* This.

Sasha: Yes! We got that on camera.
Dragon: So what do we do with it?
Diana: Blackmail😈?
Ryna: Instagram?
Kath: Maybe that...
Scorpio: Same.

That's it guys so sorry it it is short, pls forgive me...
One warning, that next chapter is about um... tags and it is quite long...
So, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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