Chapter 14 - Red and green is never a good combination

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"What's all the ruckus about?" Bryce demanded as he rushed out of the room wielding his gun. Marcus followed after, with his own weapon at the ready.

"Get down! A horde's coming!" Chester whispered and the both of them dropped to the floor without a moment's hesitation. Fae, Misty and Nikki shuffled out of their room, with Fae still rubbing sleep from her eyes. Misty knew instantly that something was wrong when she saw the look on our faces and quickly ducked down. Nikki growled low and threatening, his hackles raising, and I shushed him. Thankfully, the smart creature understood the gesture and stopped. He stood by Fae protectively, who had also picked up on the imminent danger and got down on her knees beside me, squeezing my hand. The group huddled in closer, in the center of the living room, our breathing ragged and irregular.

"There's a horde coming in the direction from where we had came from, and they're going to be here in less than a minute. These assholes are attracted to sound, so as long as we shut up and stay hidden, they'll pass us by."

"That's too risky! We should make a break for the car!" Bryce said agitatedly.

"We won't make it!"

"Then what took you so long to notice an entire fucking army of zombies!"

"You really want to discuss that now?"

"Stop fighting, please…" Fae shook and whimpered, burying her face in my arm.

"Where's Rick?" I asked when I realized the muscle machine was missing, dread and hope battling each other to take over my mind.

"He's hiding in the car. He raised the alarm."

We could hear them now, the repulsive moans and hisses, promising death and destruction just to fulfill their insatiable and utterly pointless hunger. The horses have become frantic, neighing high and loud into the moon, kicking at the wood, no doubt struggling against their leashes to escape a bitter end. Even the chickens were worked up, clucking and crowing. They were stirring up a tornado in the coop, possibly beating their wings and scuttling around as the intents of malevolent and vile beings converged on them.

"The horseys…They're going to be eaten…" Fae cried and gripped my shirt, "Save them, please!"

I couldn't find the right words to say to her little face wet with tears. It was too late. There was nothing we could do.

"Please! You said they'll be fine! You promised!" Her small hands pummeled me weakly, and guilt and shame filled me such that I had to turn away from her accusing glare. I looked at Chester, needing an answer, and he shook his head slightly, signaling a definite no to the rescue operation.

Poor Fae, so young and so kind, who wouldn't hurt a fly. She shouldn't have to face such brutality at this tender age, but carefree childhood days were over. The terror that would unfold soon enough will taint her soul and haunt her dreams for nights to come. I just prayed it wouldn't corrupt her and make her lose her caring heart. The last thing I wanted was for the pure minds of children to become numb and indifferent to such senseless killing until one day, they no longer value life.

I hugged Fae close, whispering empty words of comfort. I was relieved that she didn't pull away; after all, she must hate me now. Nikki nudged his owner with his wet nose and sat by her loyally. It was only a matter of seconds before the inevitable arrived.

It began with the splintering of wood. The last wall of protection against the zombies creaked and groaned as its assailants pushed on it. Sounds of hooves hitting the ground and kicking up the dirt meant that the horses had finally escaped their leashes, although it was for naught. Sure enough, the fence caved in and a spine-chilling crash was heard. The horses wailed sorrowfully, desperate sharp, shrill brays. Fae cupped her mouth with her hand to keep from bursting out in tears. She shuddered fiercely in my arms and I covered her ears in a vain attempt to block the sounds out. No one dared to peek out the windows- the grisly scene played itself out in our minds.

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