Mind Control

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Chapter 18:-

Caitlin's point of view:

(The next morning...)

"What's wrong?" Felicity asks concerned.

"I'm in big trouble," I respond pacing back and forth.

"Why? What happened?"

"...I'm pregnant."

"What?! That's great! Have you told Barry?"

"Shhhhhh! No, I didn't tell him. I can't."

"Why not?" She asked puzzled.

"I literally can't. Every time I try to tell him, I freak out!"

"Don't worry. He loves you. You love him. You'll get through it," she comforts.

"Thanks, Felicity," I say hugging her.

(Time skip...)

"It's a new meta on Jackson Street," Cisco informs.

"Look who it is. The Flash and Killer Frost," the meta smirks.

"You won't mind if I borrow your girlfriend for a second, do you?" he continues, gesturing to me.

"What are you..." I get cut off by a blinding light.

Barry's point of view:

"Cisco he's mind controlling her! What should I do?!"

"I don't know! Try to talk to her," he reasons.

"Hey Cait!"

"Hello Flash," Killer Frost smirks.

"You're being mind controlled. You need to fight this!"

"I know! But I don't want to!" She says throwing ice shards at me.

"Caitlin you need to fight! You're stronger than this!" I said inching closer to her.

"You don't know that!"

"Yes I do!"

"Oh Flash! So full of hope! No wonder Caitlin fell in love with you."

"A sweet little thing too, and quite handsome. It would be a shame to kill you," she said holding my chin.

She leaned in and connected our lips and that's when the ice started to spread.

It froze over my brain and the next thing I know, I'm blacked out.

General point of view:

Cisco, Harry and Felicity quickly made an antidote to give to Killer Frost but next thing ya know, Barry is knocked out cold.

Oliver injected her and she turned back to Caitlin.

He grabbed the meta and threw him into his cell.

He carried Barry and Caitlin back to S.T.A.R. Labs, hoping his friends were okay.

(Time skip...)

"What do you mean he's in a coma?!" Iris shouted.

"The frost spread to his brain causing..." Cisco was cut off by Iris.

"This is your fault! If you didn't freeze him, he wouldn't be like this!" She screamed at Caitlin.

"She was being mind controlled. Cut her some slack," Ralph cut in.

Iris gave him a death glare and he shut up.

"Dude what is your deal?! Ever since you and Barry broke up, you've been constantly bashing on Caitlin," Cisco said defending his friend.

"Cause she's a monster! Don't you see it?!"

"Enough!" Shouted Harry.

"We need to take care of Barry. The criticism can come later," he continued, glancing at Iris.

"He's right! Come on guys," Oliver ushered them to the med bay.

(Time skip..........)

"Caitlin you need to go home, you've been here all night," Cisco said.

"Not until I know Barry is alright."

"At least eat something....... for the baby," Felicity whispered the last part.

"The what?!" Cisco screams excitedly.

"You are horrible at whispering," Caitlin teased.

"You're pregnant?!" Cisco screams again.

"You're lucky no one else is here," Felicity teased.

"Uh...hello!!!" Cisco shouts.

"Yes Cisco. I'm pregnant. Mind telling the whole world?" Caitlin joked.

"I can't believe it! You're gonna be a mother! I'm gonna be an uncle!"

"Did you tell Barry?" He asks.

"No." She replies sadly.

"Hey. He's gonna be okay," Felicity comforts.

"Thanks, guys."

"You are very welcome," they both reply happily.

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