Private Talk

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Chapter 8:-

General point of view:

(The next day)

Joe, H.R. and Iris entered the cortex to find Caitlin, Cisco and Barry laughing and talking.

''Barry, can I talk to you?'' Iris asks softly.

''Sure,'' he agrees, rolling his eyes.

''Barry I am so sorry for what I did, it was a mistake. I realize that.....please come back to me,'' Iris apologizes.

''Iris I told you a million times before, we're done!''

''I still love you Barry please!'' she begs, but he still senses that she doesn't mean it.

''I don't!''

''It's Caitlin, isn't it? I should've known,'' Iris guessed.

''Can't you take a hint?! I'm always going to be a second choice for you.''

''I bet you're only doing this because I'm the Flash!'' Barry continues.

She didn't reply. She couldn't. He was right.

Barry rolled his eyes and walked back into the cortex.

''I'll make her pay,'' Iris mumbles, but Barry heard her.

He spent the rest of the day at S.T.A.R. Labs, working, but mostly staring at Caitlin.

How couldn't he? He was mesmerized by her.

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