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Miles blinked and then groaned. His head hurt like hell and he could not move his hands. In his back, he felt a cold metal bar, which he was tied to. The floor was dirty and wet. It was dark around him, but slowly his eyes got used to the dim light. His surroundings looked like a storage hall.

The same storage hall he had been in the last few times he had woken up. Miles had no idea how much time had passed, everything was a blurr. Still groaning, he sat up.

Where the hell was he and what had happened?

He only remembered that alley. Had that vampire guy taken him, even though his girlfriend had been trying to stop him?

But then Miles heard steps, like someone was walking in high heels, and suddenly a woman stood in front of him. He remembered, she had been here a few times already.

He backed away, but did not get very far, the ropes holding him back. The woman grabbed his arm, leant down and suddenly bit him.

Miles screamed out in pain and tried to get his arm out of her grib, but she was stronger. He felt her teeth in his arm and was dizzy again.

Eventually, she let go of his arm and he sank back to the floor, exhausted.

"Why are you doing this?", he asked, his voice sounded weak.

"Don't you remember me?", she laughed sarcastically and finally showed him her whole face. Miles' eyes widened and she grinned: "Oh, so you do remember."

Miles swallowed.

"You shot my boyfriend!", she now hissed, glaring at him with her red glowing eyes.

Miles did not know what to say. It was probably best not say anything at all.

She continued: "I will make you suffer until you have an idea of how much it hurt to lose my boyfriend! You don't know how that feels! For over 50 years we've been together and I loved him! And then he was just taken away from me, by you! So believe me, it will take veery long for you to feel the same pain that I do."

"I-", Miles began, but she slapped his face to make him shut up.

Miles became quiet and shut his eyes tightly. His lip began bleeding and he flinched when she put her finger to his lip, then putting it in her mouth.

"Mhm", she seemed to enjoy it, then stood up again: "You taste really good, this could actually be quite fun!"

Her eyes were glowing up red and she bit into his arm again. Miles clenched his jaw. This was the seventh bite on his left arm and each wound made him feel as if his arm was on fire.

His vision began to blurr again, until everything went black and he did not feel anything anymore, except for his burning arm.

Deathly Desire *english*Where stories live. Discover now