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"I can't believe we're really going in here!", Nate was excited as they stood in front of the club. He had brought Gwen and Claire had invited Lawrence.

The line in front of the entrace was so long, some people had to stand on the street, but Claire just walked past all those people waiting, lead the others to the front and briefly talked to the security guy. Then she signaled Miles and the others to follow her into the club.

It was huge. The dancefloor consisted of colourful blinking tiles and was crowded with people. Glitter and smoke took turns in coming down from the ceiling and everyone was wearing neon bracelets. On the right, there was a long bar, on the left stairs led to the VIP area on the second floor.

Claire looked around for a moment and Miles nudged Lawrence's shoulder: "Hey, I'm proud of you, take your chance tonight!"

Lawrence blushed, but nodded when Miles added: "She likes you, I know it."

He immediately seemed a bit more confident.

Nate grabbed Gwen's hand and shouted: "Let's partyyyy!", then they disappeared into the crowd.

Claire frowned, looking at Miles disapprovingly: "Okay, I'm not that sure if this was such a great idea ..."

"We're fine", Miles brushed her off, then she and Lawrence walked off.

Scott and Miles got some drinks from the bar and then joined the dancing crowd.

Subtly, Miles let his eyes wander above the crowd, maybe he could spot the vampires. If they came here again tonight, he had to find them before they could attack someone. He already felt guilty because he had not been able to save Sarah at that party.

He could not let that happen again.

"Are you looking for someone?", Scott suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"No, no", Miles shook his head.

Scott pouted: "Am I not enough for you?"

"Yes, you definitely are", Miles grinned, and briefly pecked him on the lips.

"Nah", Scott frowned, "and that's supposed to persuade me?"

"You idiot", Miles chuckled, but Scott just shrugged and looked at him provocatively, so Miles leaned forward and pressed his lips on Scott's, kissing him properly this time.

At that moment, he completely shut out all the noise and the hundreds of people around them. Scott pulled him closer and deepened the kiss, when suddenly someone ran into them.

Miles let go of Scott and stood right in front of Claire, who stared at the two boys in shock.

Miles cleared his throat: "Um, hi?"

"Aaaalright, I need another drink", Claire just said, and pulled Lawrence with her. Miles nodded at Lawrence, signalling him to finally try and kiss Claire, then they went off towards the bar.

"Are you okay?", Scott worried, but Miles just smiled: "I'm great!"

Only a few minutes later, he saw Lawrence and Claire dancing close to each other, and Lawrence actually did it, he kissed her.

Miles was happy for them, but his smile froze, when he suddenly spotted red glowing eyes.

Two vampires were pushing a girl away from the crowd towards the stairs that led down to the restrooms.

Miles met Claire's eyes and gave her a signal. She turned around quickly, noticed the vampires and then nodded at Miles.

"What's up?", Scott wondered, when Miles stopped dancing.

"Stay here", Miles just told him and then followed Claire, who had already walked down the stairs.

"They're in here", she whispered, standing in front of the men's room. She pulled out a knife from under her shirt and Miles frowned, but then pulled out a gun from his belt, kicking the door open.

The vampires had pushed the girl up against the wall and one of them was about to bite her, when Claire stabbed her knife in his back.

He yelled and let go of the girl, so Miles could pull her away.

"Get her out of here!", Miles shouted, pushing the girl into Claire's arms, then turning back to the two vampires.

One of them was kneeling on the floor, trying to get the knife out of his back, while the other one now came towards Miles.

Miles put his gun to the vampires forehead and pulled the trigger, before it could even realize what was happening. Then he stepped over the dead body and pulled the knife out of the other vampire, only to put it right back at his throat.

This one made some awful noises, then he also fell to the ground, dead.

Miles quickly rinsed the blood off his hands and was about to go back upstairs, but when he opened the door, he ran into someone.

"Scott!", he gasped in shock and Scott looked at him with a weird expression on his face: "What did you just do?"

"Um, nothing, everything's fine", Miles lied, but Scott frowned, so he added: "There were just two idiots, harrassing a girl, but it's fine now. Don't worry."

He tried to lead Scott back to the stairs, but Scott was stronger than expected and pushed past him. He pushed open the men's room door and his eyes widened when he saw the dead vampires.

He stumbled back and stared at Miles, terrified. He took a few slow steps backwards, still looking at Miles.

"Scott, please let me explain!", Miles begged, but Scott turned around and started running. Miles immediately followed him, but when he reached the end of the stairs, Scott had already disappeared.

Deathly Desire *english*Where stories live. Discover now