I see all these people in school, laughing with each other, whispering to each other, screaming at each other just enjoying each others company and conversation and I must admit I am envious, I want that for us too.

So while Daisy was away, he asked Zed and Eliza to help him with his situation. Hopefully, what they came up with will show Daisy that he is trying.

So with one last drag of his hand through his shaggy hair, Bonzo sat down and waited for the day to proceed waiting for lunch time to come.

As the day went on, both Daisy and Bonzo kept on looking at the clock. A second felt like a minute, a minute felt like an hour, an hour felt like a day but the moment the bell rang signalling that lunch has begun it all came crashing in for Daisy.

This is it! I am finally going to know what Bonzo's big surprise is that he wants to show me.

Just as we were walking out of the class I quickly grab Addison and Bree before they leave. We really need to talk. I need to get our group back together because all of this is my fault.

"Hey, guys! We have not really talked for a while have we?" I try to start a conversation but all I get back is a grunt from Addi and a faint 'yeah' from Bree. Well this is off to a good start.

"Alright, I know that you guys have had a horrible week so far and I know that it is my fault, but I am so sorry for what has happened and I promise that from now on I will be here to support you guys just as much as you have supported me, just please, talk to me," I continue to plea, sniffing a little. What? I just cannot loose my friends.

Seeing my distraught figure, they instantly turn into the sympathetic friends that I love, instantly coming to my aid, pulling us into a group hug.

"We know that you are having a rough week but we are just angry that you did not come to us for help," Addison explains as we pull away from each other.

"Yeah! Why did you not come to us? Are we not friends anymore, Dase?" Bree pipes in. Oh no! I never thought that they would think that!

" No, no, no! Of course we are still friends, the best of friends, I just needed some alone time that is all but now I realised that I do not like being alone and I miss my friends," I reply, reasuring them that I am still one of their besties just as they are mine.

"Alright let's go to lunch!" Addison announces, as she loops her arms into ours.

Oops! I forgot to tell the girls about my lunchtime plans. As we are almost halfway down the hallway, I suddenly stop making the others almost fall into each other.

"Guys, I actually have plans now-," I start, however, I see how they became sad again.

"No, no guys I am not ditching you. It is just that Bonzo wanted to show me something now so...." I try to not seem over excited but by the smirks on their faces I clearly was not doing a good job.

"Ooohhh! I see now, Bonzo wants to show you something," Addison exclaims, with a smirk on her face and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Well what are you waiting for? Go!" Bree exclaims, trying to hide her smile but this is Bree we are talking about, she can never hide her smile.

With a giggle at my friends ridiculousness anf a promise to tell them all about it after school, I quickly made my way towards the basement, ready to see what Bonzo has for me.

As I open the door, the first thing I see is fairy lights rapped around the stair handrails, leading down towards the zombie classroom.

Awestruck, I carefully walk down the stairs, following the lit stairwell. As I walk down I cannot help but get more nervous but this time in a good way.

As I come in front of the 'classoom' door, it opens and I am greeted by a magical sight, star shaped lights hanging from the sealing, creating the illusion of a starry night sky.

As I come in front of the 'classoom' door, it opens and I am greeted by a magical sight, star shaped lights hanging from the sealing, creating the illusion of a starry night sky

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I was so overwhelmed with the room that I did not notice the real reason I was down here in the first place. So as I admire the lights, I hear a cough.

Turning around I see Bonzo, smiling at me, "Hi," he says.

Not knowing what else to say I said the first thing that came into my head," I missed you."

And with that, Bonzo had the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face.

Yeah, today was totally worth the wait.

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